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Russian Preacher: “John McCain is a Bum”, Anti-Russia Rhetoric is “Childish”

21WIRE | Who in their right mind would say Rand Paul works for Putin?

Boiler Room #100 – An Unlikely Alchemy

Boiler Room | The Boiler gang is discussing the latest gobblie-gook and hubbub on the interwebz and the lame stream-media.

Media Says Trump Cannot Use Anonymous Sources, But They Can!

21WIRE | A stunning showing of arrogance from the MSM.

Facebook Now Decides What Is Branded Fake News

21WIRE | Facebook knows best?

Trump Conducts Sting Operation on US Intelligence Services

21WIRE + Daily Mail | Trump said he set a trap for his intelligence briefers and that they fell for it by leaking word of a classified briefing he had with them.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue