Shawn Helton
21st Century Wire
As the Jihadi John narrative continues to evolve, there are pressing questions concerning British security services, Mohammad Emwazi and his family…
Over the past couple of weeks, British security services, along with the FBI, revealed that they had ‘unmasked’ the ISIS terror video persona known as ‘Jihadi John’, and had even known his identity for the last 6 months. While this news stunned the international community – it was quickly revealed that the man suspected of being the ISIS front-man was known by MI5 for the past 6 years.
The man purported to be the infamous ISIS executioner by Western media, is former computer programmer, 27-year-old Mohammad Emwazi. According to reports, Emwazi is believed to have left the UK to join ISIS militants in Syria sometime in 2013.
However, some reports have stated that Emwazi was headed to do aid work in Turkey in 2013. Emwazi’s parents reported him missing in August of 2013 and were told that he was in Syria by authorities some four months later.
IMAGE: ‘Painting a picture’ – Media outlets continue to paint Mohammad Emwazi as Jihadi John, without the burden of proof. (Photo link
Scripted terror
Following the alleged unveiling of Jihadi John’s identity, Kuwaiti government officials disclosed that Mohammad Emwazi’s parents recognized him in the propagandized ISIS ‘beheading’ videos and that they knew of their son’s alleged extremist views before he headed to Syria, according to the UK’s Telegraph.
In the news release for the Telegraph entitled, “Jihadi John: Father accuses Mohammed Emwazi of being a dog and terrorist,” written by Robert Tait, there was a controversial interview with an apparent colleague of 51-year-old Jassem Emwazi, Mohammad’s father. The colleague was stated as being 40-year-old Abu Meshaal and he along with Jassem, are said to work together at a ‘Cooperative supermarket depot’ near the Kuwaiti-Iraqi border. Meshaal gave a stirring account of the elder Emwazi’s emotional state regarding his estranged son, seemingly paraphrasing a personal conversation that both men had about Mohammad and his suspected involvement with militants.
Here’s a portion of the Telegraph report for review:
“The father of Mohammed Emwazi described his son as a “dog, an animal and a terrorist” and revealed he begged his parents for forgiveness before joining Isil and becoming Jihadi John, the Daily Telegraph can disclose.”
“The colleague, Abu Meshaal, 40, said Mr Emwazi was in tears during Monday’s conversation, in which he described the identification of his son as the hooded executioner filmed beheading seven British, American and Japanese hostages as a “catastrophe” for his family.
He was very emotional and crying the whole time,” said Mr Meshaal. “He said, ‘my son is a dog, he is an animal, a terrorist. He said he had talked to him a lot trying to persuade him to return to his personal life but that the son didn’t listen to him. He said, ‘To hell with my son’.”
The report goes on to state that Emwazi’s father, Jassem, was ‘interrogated’ by Kuwaiti investigators last week and that he received a phone call in 2013 from Turkey, where Mohammad asked his parents’ blessing before heading to Syria to fight alongside ISIS and other militants.
Additionally, Kuwait’s Qabbas newspaper apparently spoke to another unnamed colleague which claimed that Jassem Emwazi had been ‘concerned’ long before his son was charged with being an internationally known terrorist.
The controversial report echoed across Western media outlets, with many citing the alleged quotes from Jassem Emwazi and other colleagues as being more evidence of Mohammad Emwazi’s descent into terror.
However, just one day later, Jassem Emwazi hired an attorney to stifle what he called ‘false rumours’ concerning his son and family in the media. In fact, two of the first news releases to push the apparently false narrative, appeared to come from an ABC news story which claimed Emwazi’s mother knew her son was Jihadi John and the Telegraph story that was mentioned above from March 3rd.
The apparently ginned-up story involving Emwazi’s family garnered heavy circulation for 24-48 hour period, but was quickly buried in the news cycle following the conflicting account of Emwazi’s father.
In a report featured by The Guardian, it was disclosed that Jassem Emwazi, had indeed sought legal council regarding the apparently fabricated tales about his son and family:
“Jassem Emwazi told the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Qabas: “There is nothing that proves what is being circulated in the media, especially through video clips and footage, that the accused is my son Mohammed, who is being referred to as the alleged executioner of Daesh (Isis).”
“I have a message to the Kuwaiti people that many of the rumours are false,” he said. “Because I felt that some people have believed it, I have assigned a lawyer to defend me and to prove … that what is being said is untrue.”
The report continues:
“when asked directly by the Guardian on Monday, he (Jassem Emwazi) said this was untrue, adding that the information was an outright “lie, lie, lie.”
After reviewing this information, we’re left to consider the strong possibility that the Emwazi family quotes were likely planted in order to sensationalize and further distort public opinion over the ‘reality’ of Jihadi John’s alleged identity.
The current deception concerning the Emwazi story, appears to have been influenced by Western interests and reminds me of another fabled Kuwaiti tale that was used to sway public opinion in 1990. On October 10th, 1990, Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ, the daughter of Kuwaiti ambassador for the United States, Saud Al-Sabah, provided a tearful testimony that turned out to be false, as she claimed to have witnessed Iraqi soldiers taking babies out of incubators in a Kuwaiti hospital during the Iraq invasion of Kuwait. This was the lie that Washington and its PR strategists used as a pretext for the Gulf War in 1990, pre-dating the WMD lie that was used to invade Iraq in 2003.
Like in 2002-2003, similar pressure by US military interests to mount a renewed war in the Middle East is clearly underway again – and again, Kuwait is playing a central role in ramping-up the drama.
There are many moving parts in the Emwazi story and we should first examine all angles before adopting any of the many assumptions currently being passed to the public via mainstream media and their government ‘sources’…
IMAGE: ‘The SITE of Terror’ – ISIS terror video presenter Jihadi John propagandized by the terror watchdog group SITE. (Photo link
Tale of the tape
Following graduation from the University of Westminster, Emwazi is said to have been scrutinized and targeted for recruitment by Britain’s main intelligence agency MI5 after a planned safari with friends in Tanzania in May of 2009. After Emwazi’s treatment by authorities, he was said to have reached out to the human rights group CAGE.
Strangely, new reports have emerged stating that the reason for Emwazi’s detention and expulsion from Tanzania, according to local authorities, was because he had been drunk and disorderly while insulting immigration staff upon his arrival.
IMAGE: ‘Disorderlies’ – Tanzania’s home affairs minister Mathias Chikawe is said to have stopped Emwazi because of his intoxication. ( Photo link
According to the home affairs minister in Tanzania, a document names Emwazi, Ally Adorus and Marcel Schrodel as having been drunk and displaying misconduct after their arrival in Tanzania. However, it should be mentioned that Tanzania authorities have close ties to Britain and this information should be examined more thoroughly.
Mohammad Emwazi’s relationship with the advocacy group CAGE and its research director Asim Qureshi, has stirred up a wave of controversy, along with the timed release of Emwazi information. CAGE’s dissemination of Emwazi material seemed to be simultaneously tied to the ‘official’ release of Emwazi’s identity by authorities. This is a key aspect to consider when looking at the many ‘moving parts’ in this case.
Recently, CAGE released an eye-opening tape recorded session with Mohammad Emwazi, and it was disclosed that MI5 agents had been tracking Emwazi and had confronted him, accusing him of having extremist views while actively seeking to recruit him to spy, or ‘inform’, presumably on other Muslims. The newly released material from CAGE depicts a man who appears to have been harassed, and one could even consider the very real scenario where Emwazi was coerced into alleged violent activity and joining the terror group ISIS.
Most shockingly however, were the recent audio recordings provided by CAGE, that displayed Emwazi’s condemnation for extremism, as he apparently stated that the attacks on 9/11 and London’s 7/7 bombings “were wrong.”
Here’s the short clip on YouTube from CAGE…
The recent Emwazi revelations have only added to the confusion, as security services also have a close relationship to CAGE and given the overall impact of this story – any information released from either entity should be closely examined for its authenticity.
IMAGE: Coerced Operative? – Was Mohammad Emwazi forced to participate, and ‘play a role’ in the fraudulent ISIS terror videos? (Photo link
Revisiting the past
Another element to scrutinize in the Emwazi story, is that shortly after Mohammad was named as being Jihadi John, conveniently an “unnamed former school friend” is claimed to have recognized Emwazi as the terror presenter.
The friend explained that he first met Emwazi in 1999 when both had attended the recently scandal plagued institution Quintin Kynaston Secondary School in St John’s Wood, North London.
There have been at least two other former pupils at Quintin, that have also been implicated in terrorism, prompting some to be concerned about the institution.
Is it possible that this school was being used to groom future subjects for clandestine operations?
Back in 2009, UK intelligence services in partnership with Metropolitan Police, announced the existence of a covert social engineering effort known as the The Channel Project, which was being run in hopes to target children with traits which may indicate an attraction to “extreme” views and a susceptibility to being groomed by “radicalisers” in the future. It goes without saying, that a secret program of this kind could just as easily be used to groom future ‘radicals’ and informants too.
Here’s a video provided by Britain’s Channel 4, that depicts a camera shy Emwazi in his teenage years…
IMAGE: ‘Another Brick in the Wall’ – Mohammad Emwazi at Mary Magdalene Church of England primary school in Maida Vale, West London. (Photo link
Emwazi relocated back to UK in 2010 after having worked as salesman for a Kuwaiti IT company, where he was regarded by his boss as being, “the best employee we ever had.” Emwazi’s former boss also noted in a Guardian report from March 1st that, “How could someone as calm and quiet as him become like the man who we saw on the news? It’s just not logical that he could be this guy.”
Emwazi is said to have been recruited to an unnamed ‘international terror gang’ sometime in 2012 by Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed who lived just a couple of miles from Emwazi’s Queen’s Park, West London home.
According to the Mirror, those on the periphery of Emwazi, appear to be affiliated to those involved in the 1998 US Embassy bombing in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, as well as those “said to be linked” to the 7/7 London bombings. One could argue that the 1998 Embassy bombing was a clear shift in operations with the US-backed Mujahideen proxy fighters, as they quickly became a ‘sworn’ enemy of the West after being linked to the 1998 bombing as “al-Qaeda” for the first time. The late 1990’s marked the ramp up to the War on Terror:
“Emwazi’s network spreads even further. A file seen by The Mirror shows a direct link between Ahmed Mohammed and two al-Qaeda killers.
One of the men, Saleh Nabhan, was behind the 1998 US Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 250 and the 2002 attempt to bring down an Israeli airline with Stinger missiles.
Together with Harun Fazul he also trained and guarded British terror suspect Samantha Lewthwaite – the White Widow.”
The same Mirror report from February 27th continued by explaining how Ahmed Mohamed met Mohammad Emwazi at a mosque, prior to Emwazi’s apparent radicalization some 3 years later.
Curiously, in the very same report by the UK’s Mirror, the unnamed former school friend who is said to have identified Emwazi, stated that Emwazi never went to a mosque and he never seemed that religious:
“Today security sources revealed that Emwazi, 26, and burkha disguise jihadi Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed met in 2006 at a West London mosque before Emwazi began a computer programming course at Westminster University.”
Is it possible that Ahmed Mohamed worked as a security services asset and that MI5, in conjunction with other groups, sought to recruit Emwazi at least 3 years prior to his detention in May of 2009?
Interestingly, is was reported that Ahmed Mohamed’s control order was quashed in the Court of Appeal in May of 2014, while Mohamed was still seemingly absent from the UK.
IMAGE: ‘The al-Qaeda & al-Shabaab link’ – Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed allegedly ‘averted MI5’ while pretending to be a woman cloaked in burka in 2013. (Photo link
The relationship of terror & security
In November of 2013, according to security officials, Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed was suspected to have been linked to a plot to bomb the London Olympics and another alleged Westgate-like attack on Eton College. Ahmed Mohamed was named as being a member of an “Al Shabaab sleeper cell known as the London Boys.”
As we reported last week here at 21WIRE, Emwazi’s longtime West London associate, former UK rapper Abdel Bary, the initial ‘Jihadi John’ suspect, had also been linked to the ‘London Boys’ network, along with Emwazi.
We were told that Emwazi had “fled the gaze of MI5” in early 2013 to head for Syria, around the same time Bary disappeared from London – also near the same time that ‘burkha wearing’ Ahmed Mohamed gave the security agency the slip, escaping after being implicated in several terror plots.
How would it be possible for all three of these men to thwart MI5 and escape undetected from the UK, as they would have mostly certainly been closely watched considering their connection to the London Boys sleeper cell and the apparent affiliation to al-Qaeda and al-Shabaab?
Western political leaders and their media will publicly discuss the idea of so-called terror ‘sleeper cells’ ad nauseam, hiding in a nation near you, but none of them will acknowledge the historical fact that they themselves help to harbor, grow, foment and radicalize individuals through secret counter-terrorism operations. Allied nations of course, will bring up the fact that Western intelligence regularly uses double agents and informants, under the banner of ‘security’ to obfuscate the true intentions of such programs – always careful as to how they paint Western foreign policy aims.
According to reports, the London Boys were connected to “planned attacks” at top London hotels as well as several other locations. It was previously released that a Somali cell was active in Britain and had been trained by Al Qaeda’s former leader in Africa, Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, the same associate of ‘White Widow’ Samantha Lewthwaite, at a camp in Mogadishu in 2006.
Rather conveniently, there were blueprints that specified certain British targets found with Fazul, when he was killed during a gunfight at a police checkpoint in Mogadishu in 2011.
In excerpt that 21WIRE previously linked to from the Daily Mail, an as of yet unnamed source, stated that Emwazi had joined up with other militant groups prior joining ISIS:
“The son of a minicab driver, he was reported to have occasionally prayed at a mosque in Greenwich, south-east London.”
“A source who claims to have met with Emwazi in Syria told Channel 4 news that they believed Emwazi initially joined the Migrants Brigade or Mujahideen in 2012.”
“Emwazi was believed to have been based in Syria’s Idlib Province and then outside Aleppo, before going on to join Al-Nusra and finally ISIS.”
Problem, Reaction, Solution?
Other reports suggest that security services were not able keep track of Emwazi when he relocated to Syria, because of the recently abolished anti-terror control orders in the UK. Will the latest Emwazi drama be used to tighten terror control orders?
In revealing article by investigative journalist Nafeez Ahmed, appearing on Middle East Eye, once again British security is shown to be inextricably tied to known radicals:
“According to Dr Noman Hanif, a lecturer in international terrorism and political Islam at Birkbeck College, University of London, and an expert on Hizb ut-Tahrir, the group’s presence in Britain likely provided many opportunities for Western intelligence to “penetrate or influence” the movement.
Dr Hanif, whose doctoral thesis was about the group, points out that Husain’s tenure inside HT by his own account occurred “under the leadership of Omar Bakri Mohammed,” the controversial cleric who left the group in 1996 to found al-Muhajiroun, a militant network which to this day has been linked to every major terrorist plot in Britain.
Bakri’s leadership of HT, said Dr Hanif, formed “the most conceptually deviant period of HT’s existence in the UK, diverting quite sharply away from its core ideas,” due to Bakri’s advocacy of violence and his focus on establishing an Islamic state in the UK, goals contrary to HT doctrines.”
It has been documented that Anjem Choudary and Omar Bakri the founders of Al-Muhajiroun, a terror labeled organization that was banned, are linked to British intelligence.
‘The Jihadi Rewrite’
In a recent BBC report, an alleged former ISIS fighter was said to have defected from the terror group. A man calling himself Abu Ayman, has come forward claiming to have met Emwazi in Syria. This is the media’s key link which closes the Emwazi circle. The report was splashed across media outlets worldwide, with most treating the alleged fighter’s word as being 100% truthful, even though his identity was not confirmed.
However, one should consider Ayman’s role in all of this and why he would come forward to support the Western narrative of Jihadi John – without any hard evidence to prove Emwazi is Jihadi John.
Something else to consider: If Ayman has actually defected from ISIS and presumably returned to a Western nation, why wouldn’t he be arrested for his involvement with the terror group?
In another, almost buried report, we were told the unlikely scenario – that Jihadi John allegedly ‘reached out’ to Western media outlets via a third party in Syria, to apologize for the trouble his identity has caused. While the report attempts to be a serious piece of journalism, the story reeks of PR strategist’s attempting to validate the unmasking of Jihad John as Mohammad Emwazi, through a cheap parlor trick (planted story) directed at Western audiences.
Over the last 24 hours the terrible Jihadi John scripting continues, as Sky News reports the reason that hostages were seen calm before their alleged executions in the ISIS ‘beheading’ videos was because often, “they were routinely subjected to mock executions with their captors telling them they would not be killed as it was a show for the camera.”
This newly cooked-up report claimed that a masked ISIS militant known only as “Saleh”, provided the otherwise unverifiable execution details.
Below is an interview conducted by Sky News with ‘Saleh’. The interview appears to be another attempt to humanize the ISIS cause, while continuing to deceive the public about the character known as Jhadi John…
The questions concerning Emwazi, his family, security services, and his purported identity continue to persist – as origin of the ‘Jihadi John’ avatar is unravelling as time goes on…
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