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Buttigieg Begins Experiencing LGBT Backlash in U.S.

21WIRE | Despite his own political identity, Mayor Pete can’t seem to win-over his core own demographic.

Boris Johnson Cancels Planned Trip to White House After Trump Hangs-up Over Harry Dunn and Huawei

21WIRE | Will disagreements over these two important issues threaten the ‘special relationship’?

Erdogan’s ‘Turkish Twist’ Risks Wider War in Syria and Middle East

21WIRE.TV | It seems Turkey and Syria are moving closer to all-out war, but is it too late for this crisis be walked-back?

US Shoot and Kill 14 year old Syrian Boy in Al-Hasakah

21WIRE | US offers no remorse for killing of boy, sending a very negative message across Syria – one that will not help the US with its illegal occupation.

OPCW Scandal: Scott Ritter on How History Repeated Itself with Syria

21WIRE | Upon examination, the official OPCW report from Douma does not represent the reality on the ground.

London Attack: Another Sacrificial ‘Known Wolf’ in War on Terror

Tony Cartalucci | This latest incident in London was so entirely preventable that it is difficult to describe it as anything less than deliberate.

VIDEO: Why Turkey’s Position in Syria is Increasingly Problematic

Patrick Henningsen | Erdogan’s game of backgammon in Syria is unsustainable, as is the game being played by US.

Sanders takes New Hampshire – Biden, Warren campaigns on life support

21WIRE | Bernie has done relatively well so far, but not nearly enough to break away from the pack.

Exclusive: The Philippines Are Choosing New Allies – Asia is Watching

Andre Vltchek | Will the most popular President in the history of the Philippines be able to, against all odds, change the foreign policy of his country?

Pentagon Admit: Now 109 US Troops Suffered ‘Brain Injuries’ in Iran Missile Strike

21WIRE | From the beginning of its standoff with Iran, every public claim the U.S. had made has turned out to be false.

Giuliani Presents Evidence of the Bidens’ Bribery and Corruption in Ukraine

21WIRE | The scale of corruption suggests that Democrats mounted Presidential impeachment proceedings to deflect investigators away from the Bidens.

Irish Elections: Republicans Sinn Féin in Surprise Win, Edging Out Centre-Right Parties

21WIRE | Also looming in the background, the conversation of unification, which will continue regardless of how the next government is formed.

Why Are Democrats Denying a Voice to Their Strongest Candidate?

Paul Mulshine | It’s your loss, Democrats.

Ann Wright: ‘Instead of Attacking WikiLeaks, Fix What It Exposed’

Ann Wright | Instead of punishing and silencing alleged whistleblowers and publishers like Manning and Assange for revealing uncomfortable truths, we should be addressing our own war crimes and institutional corruption.

U.S. Lied About ‘Intelligence’ Which Blamed Iraqi PMUs for Attack on US Base, Leading to War with Iran

21WIRE.TV | Bad ‘intel’ set off chain of events which almost led to a full-scale war between the US and Iran.

Episode #314 – ‘Welcome to the Granite State’ with guests Daniel Spaulding and Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

BERNIE vs BUTTIGIEG: Iowa Caucus Disaster Reveals Democrats’ Elite Digital Mafia

21WIRE.TV | The Iowa Caucuses primary contest has opened the lid on an elite-driven corrupt system which underpins the Democratic Party.

Revealed: Buttigieg’s Role in Cover-up of Racially-Motivated Purge of South Bend Black Police Chief

21WIRE | A story like this could do serious damage Buttigieg’s mercurial rise from relative party anonymity.

Coronavirus Death Toll in China Reaches 724, with over 34,000 Cases Worldwide

21WIRE | Beijing is now implemented stringent quarantine measures and travel restrictions across affected regions.

Election 2020: Ron Paul’s interview with Tulsi Gabbard

Ron Paul Liberty Report | An important discussion about the real message which is resonating with New Hampshire voters.

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