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Erdogan’s ‘Turkish Twist’ Risks Wider War in Syria and Middle East

This week, Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, threatened Syria’s government led by President Bashar al-Assad, promising direct military action if any Turkish troops are killed or injured by the fighting which is escalating in the last major remaining terrorist stronghold in the Idlib province.

Because of Erdogan’s threats and Turkey’s inability to meet its obligations from the Sochi and Astana Peace Agreements – it seems Turkey and Syria are moving closer to all-out war, although there are some good reasons why this might not be in Turkey’s best interests. But Turkey has an agenda which it is trying to realize – one which depends on balancing between the US and NATO on one side, and Russia on the other.

UKC News hosts Patrick Henningsen and Mike Robinson analyze some of the key factors in play. Watch:

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