Jay Dyer | In this first free hour I review and analyze Dave McGowan’s excellent book, Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon, in an in-depth fashion.
ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Laurel Canyon’s Weird Scenes – Review & Analysis
Filed Under: Featured, Jay Dyer Tagged With: 60s revolution, dave mcgowan, esoterica, film analysis, Hollywood, Laurel Canyon, mind control, music industry, pop culture, psychological operations, social engineering, weird scenes inside the canyon, zappa
WEIRD SCENES Inside the Canyon: Jay’s Review
Jay Dyer | It seems more and more as if we are living in a bad B movie, replete with cheesy set pieces and a Casio keyboard score – and the reason for that is because we are.
Filed Under: Featured, Jay Dyer Tagged With: 1960s, CIA, counter culture, dave mcgowan, esoteric, film analysis, Hollywood, Illuminati, Jay Dyer, lookout mountain, music industry, occult, social engineering, zappa