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Cuban Diplomat: ‘There are no troops’ in Venezuela Despite Bolton’s Claims

The lies about what is really happening in Venezuela continue to pile up. Washington’s lead swamp viper, John Bolton, is pushing a conspiracy theory that Cuba has deployed up to 25,000 ‘security forces’ inside the Bolivarian Republic.

In response to these claims, a top Cuban diplomat, Carlos Fernández de Cossío, Cuba’s director-general of U.S. affairs, told AP on Wednesday, “There are no troops,” and added “Cuba does not participate in military operations nor in security operations in Venezuela.”

John Bolton
Cuba recently branded John Bolton a “pathological liar.”

More on this story from Antiwar.com…

National Security Adviser John Bolton continued to push accusations that Cuba is behind the failed US-backed coup in Venezuela, now claiming that 25,000 Cuban troops are in the country, and Venezuela would fall by midnight if they left.

Cuba has denied having troops in Venezuela, or engaging in any military operations there. Bolton provided no evidence that the 25,000 troops are there, and there are some serious reasons to doubt it.

During the Tuesday coup, after all, chief of staff Mick Mulvaney insisted that Russia and Cuba were “not supposed to get involved,” a preposterous supposition to make if Cuba had a substantial chunk of its military in Venezuela.

And that would be a huge military commitment for Cuba. The most recent official estimate is that Cuba’s entire military only has 90,000 active personnel, which would mean that if Bolton’s allegations were true, they are committing around 30% of their entire military to an overseas engagement.

READ MORE VENEZUELA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Venezuela Files




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