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More than any other nation in the Middle East, none have experienced the total devastation like the country of Iraq - suffered mainly at the hands of the United States, and still continues to struggle to overcome decades of war and economic depravation. Can it play a pivotal role in the region going forward? All this more...

Netanyahu Warns Hezbollah, Iranian, Lebanese Leaders: ‘Watch Your Actions’

21WIRE | Following Israel’s recent tear, an embattled leader continues pandering to his country’s hard liners ahead of the coming election run-off.

Israeli State Terrorism Strikes Iraq, Threatening Regional War

Dr. Tim Anderson | Israel has now attacked three of its neighbors in the space of a week.

U.S. Officials Confirm: Israel Have Attacked PMU Bases in Iraq

21WIRE | New reality: another strike by Israel could jeopardize further U.S. military presence in Iraq.

Reports: Israel Used F35 to Strike ‘Iranian Targets’ In Iraq

21WIRE + South Front | Israeli F-35 warplane behind strike against supposed ‘Iranian’ rocket depot.

‘Kushner Blowback’: Protesters storm Bahraini embassy in Baghdad, burn US, Israeli flags

21WIRE | The incident also shows how vulnerable the various Gulf monarchies are to reprisals by both Palestinian supporters and Iran’s allies across the region.

US Army’s Twitter Question Backfires, Reminder of High Human Cost of War

Antiwar.com | The sad reality that veterans and their families face showed itself in the thousands of heart-breaking replies to the question.

Iran: Power Politics Behind America’s March to War

Sheila Coombes | New proposals would effectively sidestep US sanctions on Iranian trade, and effectively sidelining the US dollar.

BREAKING: U.S. Embassy Staff Told to Leave Iraq as War Rhetoric Aimed at Iran Intensifies

21WIRE | US pulling its diplomatic assets out of Baghdad, blaming an unspecified threat from Iran.

The US Couldn’t Wish for a Greater Ally Than Al Baghdadi

Tony Cartalucci | A villain to serve Washington’s interests both in Syria and around the globe.

US Defeat in Syria Leaves Only a Campaign of Spite

Tony Cartalucci | After eight years, all we are left with is a lack of legitimate unified purpose underpinning US policy in Syria.

US Elites Vilifying Assange Are The Same Elites Wikileaks Exposed

21WIRE | Do you see the connection?

Trump Steals Credit from Syrian Army, Russia, Iraq, Iran for ‘Defeating ISIS’ in Syria

21WIRE | Trump once again ventures way out of his depth on geopolitics (which isn’t very deep).

Turkey and Russia in Syria: From the National Pact to the Adana Agreement

Dr. Can Erimtan | Here are the in’s and out’s of creating a security buffer zone along the Syrian and Turkish border.

‘Time to Leave’: Iraq Exercises Sovereignty as MPs Call for Withdrawal of US Troops

21WIRE | The political situation in Iraq with regards to the ongoing US occupation is reaching a critical stage now.

More Evidence of US Coalition Killing Civilians in Syria, and Using White Phosphorus

Steven Sahiounie | Despite mounting evidence of international war crimes, the western media has adopted a policy of silence.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Invisible War – Depleted Uranium and The Politics of Radiation’ (2000)

SUNDAY SCREENING | A shocking tale of corruption and cover-ups, and a generation ruined by American military conquest.

SUNDAY SCREENING: Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own (2007)

SUNDAY SCREENING | As a result of this cover-up, hundreds of thousands of US veterans have been discarded like a spent cartridge.

‘Unhinged’ Decorated Navy SEAL to Stand Trial for War Crimes in Iraq

21WIRE | “He handed ISIS propaganda manna from heaven. His actions are everything ISIS says we are.”

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The History of Oil’ (2006)

SUNDAY SCREENING | The story of black gold and the Empire it built.

Iraq War Study Destined to Never Be Seen by the Public

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | The US Army’s official report detailing ‘lessons learned’ could end up in the dustbin of history.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue