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More than any other nation in the Middle East, none have experienced the total devastation like the country of Iraq - suffered mainly at the hands of the United States, and still continues to struggle to overcome decades of war and economic depravation. Can it play a pivotal role in the region going forward? All this more...

Trump Blackmails Iraq to Keep US Troops, Threatening to Close Their Oil Account at Fed

21WIRE | The White House are now resorting to financial extortion tactics in order to maintain its 17 year-long military occupation of Iraq.

IRAN: Soleimani Was Pompeo’s Gulf of Tonkin Incident

21WIRE + TAC | This wouldn’t be the first time that the US has lied its way into a major war.

Trump Stands Down Against Iran, U.S. Still in Denial of the ‘New Middle East’

Patrick Henningsen | There’s a New Middle East taking shape, only it’s not exactly what Condoleezza had in mind.

Pentagon Warmongers Double-Down, Deploying 6 Nuclear Bombers to Persian Gulf

21WIRE | Washington’s continued provocations could easily trigger a chain of events that may spiral out of control – pitting the US and its allies against Iran and its allies, in a multinational war.

Awaiting the Mahdi: Soleimani’s Martyrdom and the End of Stupidistan

Dr Can Erimtan | Behind all of the geopolitical machinations, multiple ‘end times’ eschatological worldviews are making their way to the surface.

US Narrative on Iran is Quickly Falling Apart

21WIRE | Experts are left wondering if anyone, including Congress, will be able to restrain the White House and Israel – both of who seem bent on starting this war with Iran.

Democrats Pushing Back on Trump’s Drone Strike ‘Gutted’ Antiwar Provisions Weeks Ago

21WIRE | Speaker Pelosi and her majority now have more to answer for in the aftermath of Trump’s act of war.

Trump’s Act of War Opens New Chapter of Turbulence for America Abroad

Hossein Askari | The Trump administration’s assassination of General Soleimani was a stupid and disastrous decision that will weaken security worldwide.

Trump’s Fatal Mistake in Iraq and Beginning of End for US Occupation

Patrick Henningsen | We now face the very real prospect of a multinational conflagration in the Middle East, including a direct confrontation with Iran.

This is Genocide: The U.S. Senate’s Armenian Gambit vis-à-vis Turkey

Dr Can Erimtan | US-Turkey relations may be devolving into tit-for-tat recriminations – against a backdrop of an ever widening trans-Atlantic rift.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Iraq for Sale’ (2006)

SUNDAY SCREENING | This week’s featured documentary film curated by our editorial team.

Right On Cue: Pentagon Issue ‘Alert’ as ISIS Vows Revenge Attacks Over Baghdadi Death

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | If their PR office is to be believed, then ISIS has named new leader, warning US against any ‘rejoicing’.

Iraqi Defense Minister Says to US Military: ‘You Have 4 Weeks to Leave’

21WIRE + AP | Will Washington now apply pressure on the Iraqi gov’t to allow US troops to stay, or will their narrative be rescued by the emergence of a new “ISIS threat”?

Washington’s Sum of All Fears: Kurdish Militants Cut a Deal with Damascus

Patrick Henningsen | The US-Kurdish dance in northeastern Syria was always a game of musical chairs, and sooner or later, someone had to leave.

Turkey and ‘The Kurds’ – ‘A Game of Musical Chairs’ in Syria

Patrick Henningsen | With so many different agendas at play in NE Syria, there is a risk of unintended negative consequences.

New Reports of ‘Saudi and Israeli Airstrikes’ on Syria-Iraq Border Only Heighten Concerns of Wider War

21WIRE | Although no actual evidence has been produced by Saudi or US officials to support their theory, it seems the media are still nudging the idea forward of war forward.

REPORTS: Russia Has Blocked Three Israeli Strikes on Syria This Month

21WIRE | Recent reports suggest that Moscow threatened to bring down the Israeli jets using its own fighter jets or the S-400 system.

Israel Directing Policy Through US Treasury: Sanctioning Hezbollah’s Political Allies in Lebanon

Patrick Henningsen | With military options practically off the table, this is the only remaining option for Washington and Tel Aviv to try and undermine Israel’s region challenger.

INTERVIEW: Dilyana Gaytandzhieva reveals US arms trafficking to ISIS

21WIRE | A shocking indictment of Washington’s illegal weapon trade which continues to arm terrorists across the Middle East.

Eighteen Years On: After 9/11, Has Al-Qaeda Won The War On Terror?

Peter Ford | The de facto convergence between the U.S. and al-Qaeda undercuts received western wisdom on the supposed fight against ‘radical Islamic terror.’

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