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Tracking important events and key issue around Europe's premier economic and political powerhouse...

Brexit: A Reaction Against the Globalist Parasites and Scavengers

Gilbert Mercier | “Once upon a time, words like freedom, liberty, and democracy had meaning”

“Stand by your Man”: The Hegemonic Harpies and World Domination

Dr June Terpstra | Naming and shaming the “hegemonic harpies” who are driving the world into chaos and enabling genocide

Jay on Tragedy & Hope 3: Stalin, Hitler, Illuminism & the Occult Empire (Half)

Jay Dyer | Lecture 3 of my series on the entirety of Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope takes us into the period of the Bolshevik Revolution and the rise of Stalinism, as well as the rise of Hitler and the Nazis.

German FM Attacks ‘Warmongering’ NATO & Sanctions on Russia

21WIRE | The German Foreign Minister has branded NATO as a ‘warmongering’ force.

German ‘Boots on the Ground’ as NATO Troop Build-Up Continues on Syria-Turkey Border

21WIRE | NATO troops invade Syria along Turkish border forming a shadow battle front under cover of fighting ISIS

Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope 2: Golden Bank for International Shakedowns (Half)

Jay Dyer | Global Government by the true “Inner Circle” of Illuminists and a one world order through the BIS, and the lead-up to World War II.

Germany Silences Erdogan Critics to Build New Air Force Base in Turkey

21WIRE | Political appeasement has crushed free speech to further German military objectives.

EXPOSED: How US-Backed War on Syria Helped ISIS to Expand Their Operations

21WIRE + Daniel Lazare | Obama’s “regime change” war responsible for ISIS rise and terrorist blow-back in Europe.

130,000 Migrants Have ‘Vanished’ in Germany

21WIRE | Here is a human crisis with no end in sight.

Preventing Provocation: Russian Jets Shadow German Military Flights Over Syria

21WIRE | These shadow flights could stop the West from becoming overly aggressive in Syria.

EU Blitzkrieg: Germany Now Wants 1,200 Troops Deployed to Fight ISIS – in Syria

21WIRE | Germany, Britain and France’s rush to get their military assets positioned in the Middle East will make EU Army declaration a fait accompli.

Turkey-NATO Crisis Sets Scene For Europe’s New ‘EU Army’

Patrick Henningsen | There are no coincidences in geopolitics. The ‘Road to Damascus’ leads right back to Brussels.

Top History Professor: Hitler ESCAPED Germany In 1945

21WIRE + The Express | World leading experts are now confirming those alleged ‘conspiracy theories’.

G7 Protests: Much To Do About Nothing

Patrick Henningsen | It all sounds very noble, but how useful is it really?

Snowden revelation: ‘NSA is in bed with the Germans’

RT | Is the recent public feud over spying between Germany and wiretapping-happy countries US and UK nothing but political theatre?

Spying on Our Allies: US taps half-billion German phone and internet activities a month

Global Research + RT | Now the Germans are getting targeted by both GCHQ and the NSA.


Andrew McKillop | By 2014, the US will be rivaling Saudi and Russian oil output, or even exceeding their output, as Asian demands for energy increase.

AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH: The Banking ‘Transfer Agreement’ Between Hitler and the Zionists

21WIRE | This is an uncomfortable, yet key piece of complex financial history that many modern scribes are not willing to look at.

Soros calls on Portugal and Greece to pull out of euro and quit the EU ahead of Merkel-Sarkozy debt summit

Alan Hall | Globalist Soros says both Greece and Portugal should dump the euro

THE JAPAN EFFECT: Nuclear power plants shut down in Germany

BBC | Concerns are growing about radiation leaks at a nuclear plants in Japan, causing worries in Europe now.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue