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(VIDEO) Yemen’s Forgotten People in a Forgotten War

21st Century Wire says…

As the Syrian Army and its Russian partners gradually regain control of the disaster created by Washington and its NATO and GCC allies in Syria, the western media is slowly coming around to realize 12 months late (but better late than never) that Saudi Arabia has been pounding its neighbor Yemen, and killing and maiming many innocent people in the process.

Why the silence? The answer is simple: business. More specifically, the arms and ‘defense’ (what an oxymoronic term this has become) business. As we reported yesterday, as Saudi Arabia continues to drop its US and UK-made bombs down on the people of Yemen, the US and UK have cashed-in on sales to the GCC worth at least $33 Billion – in just eleven months according to Defense News.

War is a racket, and for some, no matter how many people are murdered and how much damage it causes – war is simply good for business.

Watch this stunning ITV News report detailing the human cost of war in Yemen, as the UK is investigated for selling arms to Saudi Arabia, which is behind the bombings…

READ MORE YEMEN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Yemen Files



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