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GLADIO GOES GLOBAL: Gangs and Counter Gangs in Europe, Northern Ireland, Iraq and now in Syria

21WIRE | To understand today’s geopolitical chaos, we must first understand the methods used to destabilize us both at home, and abroad.

THE SAN BERNARDINO SHOOTING: What Really Happened Behind The Scenes?

Shawn Helton | The latest media driven shooting attack said to have taken place in San Bernardino, California – doesn’t add up.

BOILER ROOM: WTF(rance)?! – EP #32

Alternate Current Radio | Paris Attacks and false flags. Uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio is here…

CNN ‘Source’ is ISIS Magazine – Claims a ‘Schweppes Bomb’ Brought Down Russian Airliner

Patrick Henningsen | Did you ever get the feeling you are living a in scene out of Terry Gilliam’s film Brazil?

Paris Attacks: Minister Admits Syrian Passport ‘Likely Planted’ at Scene of Crime

21WIRE | Proof the the mainstream media and our hysterical politicians are completely useless – and dangerous.

Military Industrial Complex Stocks Soaring Since Paris Attacks

21WIRE | The defence sector is thriving on the rise of terrorism.

Le Passeport Magique! Don’t Leave Home Without It!

21WIRE | Why would supposed ‘suicide bombers’ all pack their passports on a one-way jihad?

‘France is at War’: Hollande Unleashes EXTREME Police State After Paris Attacks

21WIRE | The French government seeks order from chaos.

Paris Attacks: 10 Reasons This Event Looks Like a False Flag Op

Makia Freeman | This has all the appearances of a manufactured crisis and a false flag operation.

‘Paris False Flag?’ UK Column hosts panel discussion with Patrick Henningsen and Vanessa Beeley

UK Column Live | Was this a false flag event in the same vein as NATO’s disastrous failure, Operation GLADIO?

France FUNDED Syrian Rebels, AKA Radical ISIS Terrorists, To Overthrow Assad

21WIRE | Bottom line: France has been funding terrorism in Syria since at least 2012.

Magic Passports Redux: Syrian Passport Allegedly Discovered on Suicide Bomber

21WIRE | An incriminating passport was allegedly found on the streets – just like on 9/11.

Israel Held ‘Largest Ever’ Air Combat Drill Nearby, On Same Day as Russian Sinai Crash

21WIRE | Incredible coincidence, or something more sinister?

MID-WEEK WIRE SPECIAL REPORT: Russian Airliner – A Pretext?

Patrick Henningsen | Exposing Washington and CNN’s all-out propaganda blitz against Russia this week.

Alleged ISIS Video Claims ‘Shoot Down’ of Russian Airliner in Sinai – But False Flag is More Likely

21WIRE | This latest video opens another can of worms of speculation, but with no clear answer available so far.

‘Je Suis CIA’ – False Flag Internationale

Larry Chin | To the naïve ones who believe the lies and march on the streets carrying the signs, you are the pawns.

STORM WARNING: US Defence Secretary says Russia Will Pay for Syrian Airstrikes

21WIRE | After suffering immense embarrassment, the West is now threatening Russia with terrorism.

ANKARA BLASTS: War on Kurds, ISIS Terrorism, or, False Flag?

Stuart J. Hooper | A look at three possible explanations for today’s tragic events.

DECISIVE VERDICT: 82% of Syrians Believe the West Created ISIS

21WIRE | Their eyes are wide open to the truth.

Retrospective: Hunter S. Thompson’s Iconic Post-911 Interview

Patrick Henningsen | A brilliant and candid summary of world events from the writer who redefined journalism.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue