21st Century Wire says…
These threats were inevitable.
Watch a video of this report here:
Russian intervention in Syria has been incredibly successful, taking literally no time at all to destroy the infrastructure of the invading terrorist forces and cause panic amongst their ranks.
This success has called into question exactly what the West has been doing or over a year in their campaign to ‘fight ISIS‘. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has now openly asked: “Maybe their stated goals are not entirely sincere? Maybe it is regime change?“
The widespread success of the Russia campaign, combined with those tough questions, has left the West in an incredibly embarrassing position. So, it was only a matter of time before someone would respond.
Carter appears to be very friendly with the Saudi regime. (Photo Credit: Glenn Fawcett)
Enter: US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter.
The Guardian reports that Carter warned, “Moscow will soon start paying the price for its escalating military intervention in Syria in the form of reprisal attacks and casualties.“
A direct quote from Carter on Russian actions says: “This will have consequences for Russia itself, which is rightly fearful of attacks. In coming days, the Russians will begin to suffer from casualties.“
Notice his use of the word ‘will‘ twice; this is a definite statement, not a prediction. Arguing semantics is usually a moot point, but in this case lives are at stake.
While the West is apparently incapable of rooting out invading terrorists, we know for sure that they are more than capable of implementing coups, and staging terror attacks.
Russia would be wise to look towards embarrassed Western factions for culpability, if they do indeed suffer a reprisal attack, or Western allies; as The Guardian also reports that well-known terror-sponsor Saudi Arabia is preparing ‘to counter the Russian move’.
READ MORE ON THE SYRIAN CRISIS: 21st Century Wire Syria Files