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In the 21st century, WikiLeaks represents one the purest forms of press outlets - they receive information, vet it, curate for suitable presentation, and then publish it. Because of their success and perfect 10 year track record on accuracy, they are now being targeted for closure by the United States government and its allies. Why? Because WikiLeaks exposed US war crimes, and much more. Read about how this organization is on the front line of the battle to preserve free speech in the West, and why helping to defend WikiLeaks also protects the future of a 4th Estate as a functioning pillar of democracy...

Our Verdict: UK Assange Ruling is Unlawful, and 100% Political

Patrick Henningsen | So long as elites continue to hide the crimes of the state, Julian Assange will continue to serve his time.

BREAKING: Julian Assange May Have Been Granted ‘Ecuadorian ID’

21WIRE + RT | Has Assange found a way out?

YEAR IN REVIEW: 2017 Top Ten Conspiracies

Patrick Henningsen & Shawn Helton | We couldn’t make it up if we tried…

‘Classified’ Emails from Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin found on Anthony Weiner’s Laptop

21WIRE | Looks like more more bad news for the ‘resistance.’

Mainstream Media Fake News: 21st Century Wire Debates American ‘Liberal’ Academic

CrossTalk | Why is mainstream media continuously inserting fake news into the global news cycle?

CIA’s Pompeo: ‘Assange Shouldn’t Be Confident of Protecting WikiLeaks Sources’

21WIRE + RT | CIA head ready to disregard basic press freedoms enshrined in the US Constitution.

Robert Parry: Sorting Out the Russia Mess

Robert Parry | The U.S. mainstream media finally has its “smoking gun” on Russia-gate — a closer look reveals serious problems with the “evidence.”

American McCarthyism: Neocon Warhawks’ Plan to Kill Antiwar Dissent in Media

CrossTalk | Washington is degenerating into a paranoid NeoMcCarthyist den of political scape-goatists.

(VIDEO) For the Love of Winston Smith, “Let The Truth Be Told”

Rebekah Johnson | Propaganda puppets are lying to the public and suppressing the truth to further their agenda.

SWEDEN: Assange Court Documents Released – But Are Totally REDACTED

21WIRE | Since the 2016 election the neoliberal establishment have been after Assange, hoping to put him on trial in the US.

INSIDE MAN: Emmanuel Macron the Billionaire Banker’s Choice – What’s Next For France?

Shawn Helton | The election of President Emmanuel Macron marks the continuation of a globalized future for France.

The CIA Doesn’t Need To Spy On Free Thinkers, The Private Sector Does It For Free

21WIRE + The Duran | Forget about state intelligence trying to censor you, we do a a great job of it on our own and alongside private companies.

SPRING CLEANING: New Wikileaks Vault 7 Release Claims CIA’s ‘Marble’ Disguises Hacking as Other Nations

21WIRE + ZERO HEDGE | The CIA’s ‘anti-forensic’ Marble Framework could be used to mask government hacking.

Assange: ‘Trump in Conflict with CIA Over Syria Policy’

21WIRE + Syrianna Analysis | The CIA and other Deep State apparatuses don’t want Trump to change the foreign policy on Syria.

Boiler Room #101 – St. Patrick’s Cyber-pocalypse with John McAfee

Alternate Current Radio | John McAfee joins for a chat about Vault 7, cyber warfare, hacking and privacy on Boiler Room with Hesher, Randy J, Stewart Howe, Spore, Funksoul & Andy Nowicki.

BIGGER THAN SNOWDEN: Wikileaks ‘Vault 7’ Classified CIA leak – What Does It Mean?

Shawn Helton | The single largest classified intelligence leak in history poses some big questions.

CrossTalk: WikiLeaks Vault 7 with Guests Patrick Henningsen, Larry Johnson, Suzanne Nossel

CrossTalk | Vault 7: what does it mean to America, and the expectations of of rights and privacy for the average citizen?

EP #16: Patrick Henningsen LIVE – ‘Official Washington Madness’ with guest Robert Parry

ACR Radio | Washington’s Triple Entente of Trump-Russian intrigue, Wire Tapping Allegations, and WikiLeak’s latest CIA Hacking exposure…

BREAKING: Wikileaks To Give Tech Companies Exclusive Access To CIA Hack Tools

21WIRE + RT | Wikileaks To Give Tech Companies Exclusive Access To CIA Hack Tools.

BREAKING: Wikileaks Says Less Than 1% Of Vault 7 Released

21WIRE + RT | Wikileaks Says Less Than 1% Of Vault 7 Released.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue