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Twitter ‘Off-Boards’ (Bans) RT and Sputnik Ads Ahead of Capitol Hill Testimony

21WIRE + The Duran | Twitter censors RT and Sputnik before it officially gets onboarded to the Russiamania agenda.

US Gov’t War on RT: Imperial Media ‘Truth’ Monopoly Threatens Press Diversity

Philip Giraldi | Will Russiagate end with a bang or a whimper? No one seems to know.

“Russia Did It” is Smokescreen for Big Business Ownership of US Government and Congress

Finian Cunningham | Three recent events show how corporate money effectively buys American government policy.

American McCarthyism: Neocon Warhawks’ Plan to Kill Antiwar Dissent in Media

CrossTalk | Washington is degenerating into a paranoid NeoMcCarthyist den of political scape-goatists.

John Pilger, Vanessa Beeley on Sputnik with Neil Clark – The Age of Media Mass Deception

RT + Sputnik | John Pilger and Vanessa Beeley discuss the propaganda age of media mass deception

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