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President Putin – “Ramping up Military Hysteria” Against North Korea Could Lead to Planetary Melt Down

21WIRE + RT | “What can restore North Korea’s security? The restoration of international law.”

Why is the Zionist Project Floundering and Netanyahu Panicking?

Alastair Crooke | The reason for Netanyahu’s panic

President Assad and the Syrian Armed Forces have Shaken US Hegemony to the Core

Thierry Meyssan | In this iron era, the Assad strategy alone allows us to stand tall and free

DEIR EZZOR: Last ‘International Terrorist Stronghold on Syrian Soil’ Prepares Defences against SAA Offensive

RT + 2WIRE | ISIS pulls back to Deir Ezzor to prepare for final battle as SAA advances rapidly towards victory

SYRIA: The Raqqa “Moonscape” as US Coalition Bombs Civilians and Reduces City to Dust

Stephen Lendman | Washington wants control over northern Syria and whatever other territory it can grab

YEMEN: Second Saudi Coalition Massacre in 48 Hours as US/UK Fuelled War of Aggression Continues

Geopolitics Alert | The Saudi coalition genocidal war of aggression claims more victims in besieged Yemen

Damascus International Fair “Signifies Victory for Syria Against US Imperialism”

Syria Times | “As we defeated terrorism we will fight any illegal presence on our land be it the United States or Turkey”

Trump Stokes Korea Crisis As Cover for Trade War with China

Finian Cunningham | Trump’s attitude seems to be «never mind the collateral damage of a possible nuclear war»

BANA ALABED: A Lost Childhood and a Future Jeopardized by Ongoing Child Exploitation

Vanessa Beeley + Khaled Iskef | Child exploitation is at the heart of the propaganda underpinning the UK/US intervention in Syria

PHILIPPINES: Unity of People and Army Thwarts US Proxy Aggression

Andre Vltchek | “This is their president and their military fighting against something extremely foreign, violent and dreadful.”

YEMEN: US Military Industrial Complex Benefits from Suffering of a Brave Nation

Vanessa Beeley + Truth Out | Yemen the forgotten war and the forgotten crime against Humanity

DR SHAABAN: Russia Supports the Axis of Resistance against Empire and Zionism

Dr Bouthaina Shaaban | The Resistance Alliance, and its supporter Russia, is the only road to salvation from Zionist aggression

KHAN SHEIKHOUN: How Like-Sarin is a Sarin-Like Substance?

Tim Hayward | Drawing a conclusion without evidence or scrupulous honesty is simply, propaganda for war in Syria.

QATAR vs SAUDI ARABIA: Who Benefits from Shift in Gulf State Dynamics?

Niraj Srivastava | The “Sunni NATO,” headed by a Pakistani General, is stillborn.

The Real Reason Washington is Worried about North Korea’s ICBM Test

Stephen Gowans | Democracy on a global scale has just been given a boost

SYRIA: Is UK Parliament Edging Towards Military Escalation?

Tim Hayward | UK intervention in the Middle East is a catalogue of misinformation and devastating errors of judgement

US Expands Military Footprint in Syria to EIGHT Bases, ‘Modifies’ Kobani Air Base

Vanessa Beeley | The US military mission creep in Syria gathers momentum.

SYRIA: ‘Chemical Weapon’ Media Hysteria Obstructs Critical Thinking

Philippe Lemoine | The chemical weapon media farce leaves no room for doubt or analysis

SYRIA: Washington’s ‘Chemical Weapon’ House of Cards Demolished by Ex-Weapons Inspector

Scott Ritter | Khan Sheikhoun is a White Helmet manufactured storyline

SYRIA: Washington, Tel-Aviv and Riyadh Working Hand in Hand to Prevent Arab Unity

Dr Bouthaina Shaaban | The Syrian Arab Army, its allies and Syrian people are fighting for independence and freedom

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