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Delving deeper into the world of America's unexpected chief executive who, for better or worse, is actively reshaping US and international political conventions...


BEYOND MISSION CREEP: U.S. Planning to Send 1,000 More Ground Troops into Syria

Patrick Henningsen | This US deployment inside Syria is completely illegal under every international law, as well as in total violation of the US Constitution.

Boiler Room #101 – St. Patrick’s Cyber-pocalypse with John McAfee

Alternate Current Radio | John McAfee joins for a chat about Vault 7, cyber warfare, hacking and privacy on Boiler Room with Hesher, Randy J, Stewart Howe, Spore, Funksoul & Andy Nowicki.

What?! John McCain says Rand Paul is “Working for Putin”

21WIRE | Has he completely lost his mind?

EP #17: Patrick Henningsen LIVE – ‘Parallax Politics in DC’ with guest Daniel Faraci

ACR Radio | More palace intrigue in Washington, as the House prepares for its much anticipated ‘Russian Hearings’ starting next week.

MSNBC #FakeNews Fail: Desperate Rachel Maddow Springs Trump’s Tax Trap

21WIRE | This was Rachel Maddow’s Geraldo Rivera moment.

What Will Happen to Your Guns Under President Trump?

Josh Levine | So far, it has been business as usual and prices for collectible guns continue to be strong.

Boiler Room #100.2 – Part Duh! Wire Tapped, Reality For Sale & Conspiracy Theorist Swag

Boiler Room | The Boiler gang is cooking up more of the unlikely alchemical talk radio on ACR with Hesher, Spore, Basil Valentine, Daniel Spaulding and FunkS0ul discussing, Syria, reality for sale and the new conspiracy theorist chić of the left.

‘A DELIRIUM IS SPREADING’ – The Left’s Great Russian Conspiracy Theory

21WIRE + Brendan O’Neil | The Left is now teetering on the cliff edge of sanity – a whole block of society in danger of being committed to a political bardo…

Boiler Room #100 – An Unlikely Alchemy

Boiler Room | The Boiler gang is discussing the latest gobblie-gook and hubbub on the interwebz and the lame stream-media.

EP #16: Patrick Henningsen LIVE – ‘Official Washington Madness’ with guest Robert Parry

ACR Radio | Washington’s Triple Entente of Trump-Russian intrigue, Wire Tapping Allegations, and WikiLeak’s latest CIA Hacking exposure…

Dangerous Fracture in US, Turkey and Russian Interests, as Operation to Oust ISIS from Raqqa Begins

Patrick Henningsen | While the US media and liberal establishment obsesses over Russian Hacking conspiracy theories, President Trump just put boots on the ground in Syria – and may be on a collision course with Turkey.

TRUMPDOM: The Curious World of Trump’s Foreign Policy Explained

Niraj Srivastava | Foreign policy in Trumpdom takes some dizzying turns, here we try to make sense of the maelstrom

Media Says Trump Cannot Use Anonymous Sources, But They Can!

21WIRE | A stunning showing of arrogance from the MSM.

BREAKING: Wikileaks Releases ‘Vault 7’ Part 1 – ‘Year Zero’

21WIRE + Wikileaks | New document dump shows exactly how the CIA is hacking us all.

Facebook Now Decides What Is Branded Fake News

21WIRE | Facebook knows best?

Nader Talebzadeh: They Planned and He Plans

Nader Talebzadeh | As America wakes up from its spell, people are seeing through the old Neocons and media media constructs, realizing the potential for change.

Trump Rally In Austin TX – Protesters Largely Outnumbered by Trump Supporters

21WIRE | Pro Trump rally in rainy Austin TX: Peaceful Trump supporters greatly outnumber protesters. Brief scuffle over a flag instigated by anti Trump protester caught on video.

Two Trump Tweets Debunk Russian Connection Conspiracy

21WIRE Pelosi and Schumer have been caught very Red handed.

INTERVIEW: Patrick Henningsen on America, Iran and the Palestinian Question

Khamenei.ir | What is the relationship between Iran and Palestine?

Boiler Room #99 – Almost to 100!

Boiler Room | The Boiler gang is discussing the latest gobblie-gook and hubbub on the interwebz and the lame stream-media.

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