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Delving deeper into the world of America's unexpected chief executive who, for better or worse, is actively reshaping US and international political conventions...


Egypt’s President Sisi Drops a Depth Charge in Midst of American Islamic Summit – Shames Supporters of Terrorism

21WIRE + Syriana Analysis | Egypt President Sisi names and shames supporters of terrorism

Trump’s Speech in Riyadh Signals US Alignment with Global Terrorism and Extremism

Bill Van Auken | Trump’s whoring venture in the kingdom of ideological tyranny and terrorism

CYBER WARS: Kremlin Watch and the Russian Sleeper Cells #FakeNews

Irrussianality | No evidence to support Kremlin Watch accusations of Russian interference in “democratic” process

NORTH KOREA: ‘Trump’s War’ will be Another Mass Murder of Innocent Civilians

Andre Vltchek | Trump, in North Korea, You will be Murdering Human Beings!

CrossTalk: Can The Establishment & Media Impeach Trump?

CrossTalk | So where exactly is the establishment’s media war against Trump heading…?

ANALYSIS: A Tripartite Dance of Sorts: Russia, the U.S & Turkey

Dr. Can Erimtan | It all comes down to three words: Gas, Gas, Gas.

FORSAKEN SULTAN: Erdogan Isolated Ahead Trump Meeting in Washington

Martin Jay | Erdogan is cornered. Will he trigger a full scale war with YPG in Northern Syria?

Boiler Room #108 – Who’d Win in a Fight? Boiler Room vs. Hitler vs. Dracula

Alternate Current Radio | The ACR Brain-trust returns for their weekly round table discussion with Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Andy Nowicki, Randy J and FunkSoul.

Intel Vets Slam Trump’s ‘Chemical Weapons’ Fraud in Syria

21WIRE + VIPS | Trump’s new Secretary of Defense “Mad Dog” Mattis traveled to Israel to help shill for an escalation of war on Syria – citing another fabricated WMD case.

Tax March: Where Were You as Obama Wrecked Libya?

21WIRE | Do these protesters actually have principles?

Russia-Gate Was All the Rage Across US Media – Where Did it Go and Why?

21WIRE + Robert Parry | Russia-gate was incessantly pushed by US media only to disappear after the highly questionable chemical attack in the Idlib province of Syria and two US strikes.

Boiler Room #105 – Quantum Swamp Chess

Alternate Current Radio | Boiler Room returns with another meeting of the ACR Brain-trust with Hesher, Spore, Daniel Spaulding, FunkSoul, Randy J, Andy Nowicki and Infidel Pharaoh

Easily Duped: Trump Surpasses Bush, Falling for ‘Chemical Weapons’ Theatrics

Patrick Henningsen | Donald Trump, Nikki Haley and Rex Tillerson may have just surpassed the Bush administration in their WMD ignorance.

Professor: Political Ignorance is “Going To Have Consequences”

21WIRE | Should there be more focus on civic education in schools?

BREAKING: Fox News Tries to Censor Truth on Idlib Alleged Chemical Attacks from Ray McGovern

21WIRE | Fox News fighting to black out truth on Idlib chemical attacks

ENGDAHL: ‘Trump is a Puppet of the Deep State’

ACR Radio | Is Trump a tool of establishment, placed into power by the Deep State – to fast-track a destructive geopolitical agenda?

Episode #6 – DRIVE BY WIRE: ‘Syria WMD Redux?’ (Part 1)

21WIRE.TV | It’s Official: Donald Trump has just joined the elite Presidential Puppets Club…

Putin Calls US Airstrikes on Syria ‘An Illegal Act of Aggression,’ Suspends Deconfliction Air Agreement with US

21WIRE | Russian leader is condemning Trump’s knee-jerk military action as a violation of international law.

Without Evidence, Trump Launches 59 Cruise Missiles, Destroying Syrian Air Force Base

21WIRE + The Guardian | Trump caves into pressure from the Deep State and Israel – to strike the Syrian government.

Boiler Room #104 – War Sells… But Who’s Buying

Boiler Room | Trump/NATO strikes Syria over unproven chemical attacks, resurrecting the lies of Obama’s ‘Red Line.’ Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Patrick Henningsen, Andy Nowicki and Infidel Pharaoh.

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