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Trump Rally In Austin TX – Protesters Largely Outnumbered by Trump Supporters

21st Century Wire says…


Trump supporters gathered at a rally in Austin TX on a rainy March 4th to participate in the nationwide gathering of citizens in support of President Trump, marching to state capitals to promote peaceful unity, as described by the call to the gathering:

This is a nationwide event in states across the country!

Let’s support our President and stop the hate! Please join us in this effort to unite the citizens of this great country. Bring your signs and flags to support our President and his administration – wear your Trump gear! We are also supporting our military, veterans and law enforcement. Please bring donations for homeless/veterans such as canned goods, clothing, blankets and hygiene products.

Disclaimer: This is a peaceful assembly. Please do not impede traffic, litter, vandalize, or do anything else illegal and unbefitting. Act worthy of yourselves. Any violators will be asked to leave and turned over to authorities when appropriate. If your intentions are other than peaceful this event is not for you.

We welcome your participation & sharing/inviting/spreading the word!

Trump supporters of all creeds, colors and backgrounds showed up, in the rain, to be there for the event.


With all the talk of reactionary Anti-Trump demonstration being hyped on mainstream media, one would expected throngs of protesters at the event, but if the image below represents the size of the protest group. Despite the rain and high winds, they were greatly outnumbered by the March4Trump rally.


Capital 610x415

There was one brief scuffle between protesters and Trump supporters when a masked protester tried to take the American flag from a rally goer, which you can see in the embedded highlights video below.


Videographer, Jeff DeRiso, captured a highlights video of the event.

READ MORE TRUMP NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Trump Files




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