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Obama Pardons The Turkey – TOTUS is NATO’s Turkey Too

21st Century Wire says…

President Barack Obama delivered what was perhaps his most symbolic ritual today, and not surprisingly, the entire US mainstream media were lost on the dark irony.

As per tradition, three turkeys would be spared this Thanksgiving evening in the White House Rose Garden…

“Feel free to keep on gobbling,” Obama told his pet Turkeys this morning.

“I can announce that the American people have spoken, and we have two winners,” he said. “Their names are Honest and Abe — I confess that Honest looks like good eating, but this is a democracy.”

“Abe [the first turkey] is now a free bird” and will now be designated “TOTUS — the Turkey of the United States.”

Obama — also known as POTUS, President of the United States — said Honest will be held at an “undisclosed location,” ready to step in if “Abe can’t fulfill his duties to walk around and gobble all day.”

A third Turkey was also pardoned by Obama this week. That Turkey (based in Ankara) committed two war crimes in one sweep, as it attempted to start a Third World War by knowingly provoking Russia by intentionally shooting down one of its military aircraft, and watched as its proxy terrorist militants shot and killed one of the two Russian pilots as they tried to parachute to safety. All in the name of NATO, as it were.

As 21WIRE reported yesterday, Obama pardoned ‘NATO’s Turkey’ and its leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan when the US President blamed Russia for Turkey’s egregious acts of war that look place inside of Syria along their northwest border with Turkey. In effect, Obama was sanctioning the provocation by Turkey – which should indicate that it was no accident, and that the planned ‘shoot-down’ order likely came from the very top of NATO command tree.

By now, it’s safe to say that Turkey has at the very least misrepresented what happened over the skies that day, and at worst – lied to the international community about what happened and why.

Meanwhile, the US and NATO, under the cover its “Coalition against ISIS” have allowed Turkey to continue its traditional genocide of ethnic Kurds around its eastern region, and also to facilitate and profit from illegal Oil, Narcotics, Weapons and Human Trafficking – all freely taking place along Turkey’s side of the border. Their oil trade with ISIS is particularly criminal because it’s one of the main reasons why ISIS has been able to thrive.

The facts about Turkey’s shoot-down of the Russian fighter are undeniable. One navigator pilot survived and was rescued, before giving his account to media (shielding his identity for safety reasons, after being threatened with a bounty by US-backed ‘moderate’ jihadi rebels). Watch the interview here:

Watch the rescue operation here:

NATO member Turkey’s unholy alliance with ISIS is now exposed:

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