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Iran remains as one of the US and Israel's primary targets in achieving regional hegemony over the Middle East and Central Asia. Read our archive to learn more about the Islamic Republic and what its geopolitical challenges are going forward.

Shimon Peres secret: ‘I stopped Netanyahu from catastrophic attack on Iran’

21WIRE + RT | This latest revelation only proves what many had speculated before.

Interview with Prof. Tim Anderson: NATO’s Dirty War on Syria

Tim Anderson | Professor Tim Anderson reinforces the truth of the Dirty War on Syria including the White Helmet shadow state building

The “Arab Spring”: Seduction of the Delusional Imperialist Left

Donnchadh Mac an Ghoill | The Gaslighting project to “seduce” the anti-war movements and deluded Left

New Arms Race Begins: US Launches European Missile Shield in Romania

21WIRE | The vicious circle of re-armament begins.

Bad Luck, Neocons: Russian S-300 Missile Systems Now Deployed in Iran

21WIRE | This development is a huge hurdle for the neocons to overcome.

Syria: Is Aleppo the “Smoking Gun” that will Precipitate a US Proxy War against Russia and Iran?

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky | Aleppo: Escalation in terrorism and propaganda may herald a renewed US offensive against Russia and Iran.

Yemen: UK Column Talks Live with Vanessa Beeley about UK, US, UN Complicity with Saudi Genocidal War of Aggression Against Yemen

Vanessa Beeley | Yemen: Live interview on UK Column exposes the US, UK, UN criminal alliance with Saudi Arabia.

Palmyra: The “Bride of the Desert” Expels ISIS and Will Be Restored to Her Former Glory

Ken Stone | Palmyra symbolizes Syrian resilience, courage and pride. The “Bride of the Desert” will be restored to Syria and the Syrians.

US Elections: Trump the Cartoon “Fascist” is Cover for Clinton the Psychopath

James Petras | The invention of Donald Trump’s cartoon fascism is facilitating Clinton’s hardcore neocolonialism.

YEMEN: Senator Rand Paul Combats Saudi Empowerment of AQAP and Indiscriminate Bombing of Yemeni Civilians

Tyler Koteskey | Rand Paul takes a stand against US arms sales to Saudi Arabia being used to illegally target civilians in Yemen.

Ridiculous: American Judge Orders IRAN to Pay $10.5 BILLION for 9/11

21WIRE | Even George W. Bush admitted that Iran had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.

World War III – ‘The New Axis of Evil’

Storm Clouds Gathering | The alliances and proxies of the Syrian Front explained…

Seven Iranians freed in the prisoner swap have not returned to Iran

Mail Online | Seven former Iranian inmates held in US did not show up to get a flight to Geneva, Switzerland.

McPain: John McCain Furious That Iran Treated US Sailors Well

Daniel McAdams | Arizona’s oldest buzzard, suffering from a rare condition reserved for overly enthusiastic warmongers.

10 U.S. Navy Sailors Held by Iranian Military – Signs of a Neocon Political Stunt

21WIRE | CNN wasted no time in ramping up talk of military tensions with Iran.

Why Washington DC Turns Its Back on Saudi Brutality – and Blames Everything on Iran

WIRE BUZZ | Al-Nimr’s crime was calling for an end to the vicious institutional discrimination of Shi’ites, and he paid the ultimate price.

ANOTHER NATO SCAM: West Largely Silent About Erdogan’s War on Kurds

Stephen Lendman | Turkey’s Sultan Erdogan is has used his own fabricated “ISIS Crisis” as cover to systematically eliminate the Kurdish opposition to his totalitarian rule.

Saudi, Iran, Sunni, Shia: This Just Became The Most Important Map In Geopolitics

Tyler Durden | The region could have done without the events that unfolded over the weekend.

Iran 2.0? Russia to Loan Egypt $25 Billion to Build NUCLEAR Power Plant

21WIRE | This is almost guaranteed to be the next big geopolitical point of contention.

Sanctions-Hit Tehran Taking Record Tax Receipts – More Than Oil Revenue

21WIRE + RT | For the first time in 50 years, the government’s share of the oil revenue is less than what it is earning from tax.

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