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Search Results for: Avaaz

White Helmets, Syria, NGO Complex and Corporate Media Responsibility for Starting Wars

Vanessa Beeley | Vanessa Beeley talks to Sane Progressive about all things Syrian and White Helmets

SYRIA: The West Only Hates Assad Because Their TV Told Them To

Caitlin Johnstone | What we can be certain of is that our governments and media cohorts are lying to us


Vanessa Beeley | WHITE HELMETS: John Pilger exposes the UK, US, EU, Gulf state propaganda construct in Syria

WHITE HELMETS: Blasphemous Whitewash of Their Execution Black Record

21WIRE + RT | White Helmets mop-up another extremist execution and then try to cover their tracks

WHITE HELMETS: Terrorist Whistleblower Exposes Staged Chemical Weapon Attacks

21WIRE | The White Helmets and Al Qaeda – partners in chemical weapon crimes in Syria

SYRIA: Aleppo Based Journalist, Khaled Iskef, Exposes White Helmets as Nusra Front Civil Defence

21WIRE | The continued exposure of the White Helmets as Al Qaeda’s little helpers

SYRIA: The White Helmet Propaganda Heist – Vanessa Beeley Speaks to Rhymes Media Group

Vanessa Beeley | Exposing the White Helmets in Aleppo, working side by side with Nusra Front

WHITE HELMETS: Atlantic Council’s Humanitarian Pretext for Collective Punishment of Syrian People

J. Michael Springman | White Helmets praise Trump’s Tomahawk strike in Syria as “new hope”

The REAL Syria Civil Defence, Saving Real Syrians, NOT Oscar Winning White Helmets Saving Al Qaeda

Vanessa Beeley | The REAL Syria Civil Defence will never be usurped by NATO state White Helmeted criminals

WHITE HELMETS: Hand in Hand with Al Qaeda and Extremist Child Beheaders in Aleppo

21WIRE | The White Helmets were fully under the control of Al Qaeda in Aleppo

Forget Oscar: Give The White Helmets the Leni Riefenstahl Award for Best War Propaganda Film

Patrick Henningsen | Could this the bottom of the barrel for Hollywood’s social engineering media machine?

UPDATED: White Helmets are Denied Entry into US, Hollywood Dreams Over

Vanessa Beeley | Is the White Helmet halo falling from grace?

FAKE NEWS WEEK: ‘Assad and Russia’s Slaughter in Syria’: Deconstructing the Media’s Fake ‘War Crimes’ Narrative

Barbara McKenzie | From beginning to end, the mainstream media’s coverage of Syria has been intentionally distorted in order to support an aggressive geopolitical agenda by the West.

White Helmet ‘War Porn’ Stars Banned from Oscars Ceremony

Vanessa Beeley | Al Qaeda propagandists denied the Oscars ceremony red carpet

SYRIA: The Amnesty International Scandal, ‘Smart’ Warmongers and Terrorist Sympathizers

Tim Hayward | Amnesty International criminal weaponization of humanitarianism based on lies.

EXPOSED: Syria’s White Helmets are Al Qaeda’s ‘Civil Defence’

Vanessa Beeley | The White Helmets proven to be Nusra Front civil defence.

ALEPPO: Vanessa Beeley talks to Al Mayadeen about the White Helmets or “Nusra Front Civil Defence”

Vanessa Beeley | The White Helmets exposed as “Nusra Front Civil Defence”

The Gatekeepers: The Rebranding of the Anti-Syria ‘Left’

Barbara McKenzie | Is Soros re-directing pro-Syria narrative into the gatekeeper lane?

George Clooney’s Personal Jihad to Promote Al Qaeda’s Civil Defence in Syria

Vanessa Beeley | George Clooney is on a personal jihad to further promote Nusra Front’s civil defence

THE BIG SHUFFLE: 2017 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE

NEW YEARS SPECIAL | Looking ahead to the coming year – the good, the bad and the ugly…

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