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Search Results for: Lebanon

Longtime Iraq War Opponent Jeremy Corbyn Has War Criminal Tony Blair ‘Running Scared’

Lindsey German | Can the new Labour leader candidate help put Blair where he truly belong (in prison) ?

Myth Buster: The ISIS Supply Chain

21WIRE + Land Destroyer | Deconstructing one of the biggest ISIS myths, once again…

KOSHER JIHAD? Israel’s Dirty War Props Up Islamic Militants In Syria

Steven MacMillan | Israel’s strategic desire to weaken both Syria and Iraq is undeniable.

JIHADI VAUDEVILLE: The Never-Ending ISIS Roadshow Arrives in Yemen

Daniel Spaulding | After over-stepping in Yemen, we can now connect the dots in the ISIS scam.

Imagery and Empire: Understanding Western Fear of Arabs and Muslims

21WIRE + Strategic Culture | ‘Oriental’ imagery is part of a system of power that allows an empire to lord over “outsiders”, and its own citizens too.

Did US CENTCOM Feed Saudis Target Info to Bomb Russian Consulate in Yemen?

21WIRE + Stephen Lendman | In Yugoslavia, China’s Belgrade embassy was bombed ‘by mistake’ – and the same thing happened to Russia this week.

THE NEXT WAR: A Yemeni’s Call for Help

Stephen Lendman | His call for help highlights US responsibility for daily terror-bombing horrors – the threat of death or serious injuries all Yemenis face.

‘Liberal’ New York Times Provides Cover for Washington’s War with Iran

Danny Haiphong | Despite their admittance the lack of any proof that Iran plans to develop nuclear weapons, neo-cons fear monger about dangers of allowing Iran to ‘survive another day’.

Four Years of Syrian Resistance to a US-led Imperialist Takeover

Sara Flounders | Washington is determined to overthrow Syria’s elected government – but they are destroying an entire country in the process.

HOPELESS HAWKS: U.S. Congress Cheers Netanyahu’s Hatred of Iran

Robert Parry | Netanyahu bathed in waves of applause while denouncing President Obama’s proposed deal with Iran – promoting the war option instead.

Netanyahu Goes to Washington: An Act of Desperation By a Political Dinosaur

Patrick Henningsen | Netanyahu and the US neocons fear peace, because peace is bad for the business of war.

Does Israel Have a Long-term Plan For Palestine?

21WIRE + Common Dreams | To understand where Palestine is heading, it’s crucial to first understand the real existential goals of Israel.

Did Jordan Train The ISIS Fighters Who Burned Their Pilot Alive?

Stuart J. Hooper | Looking back at the history of Jordan’s involvement with the training of Syria’s ‘moderate rebels’ reveals somewhat of a paradox.

Israel Joins Forces With ISIS? Tel Aviv Bombs Syria for Sixth Time in 18 months

21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | Sunday’s attack raises more questions about Israel’s military role in the Syrian conflict.

‘JE SUIS HYPOCRITE’: Enemies of Press Freedom Hijack ‘Charlie’ in Paris

Patrick Henningsen | The true enemies of free speech just went and hijacked this week’s events in France.

It’s Official: Israel Partners with Obama’s War on Syria

Stephen Lendman | Israel is working with the US, Saudis and ISIS, to destroy the nation of Syria.

AIDING ISIS: Israel Bombs Syria For Fifth Time in 18 Months, Gives Arms, Medical Aid to Militants

21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | Contrary to popular belief, Israel is very much involved in destabilizing of Syria.

John Bolton: As Ignorant As He Is Dangerous

21WIRE | Bolton is one of the key hatchet men whose job it is to make those wars happen.

Terrorist Bedfellows: Saudi Arabia and Israel

21WIRE | “We call on the council to place Hezbollah on the list of terrorist organizations” says Saudi.

ISIS THEATRE: Jihadi John’s Execution of Peter Kassig ‘Emerges’ as Neocons Push For War

21WIRE + Daily Mail | Jihadi John is back on camera, but still no actual evidence that a murder was committed.

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