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SYRIA: The Emerging Reality of the U.S Coalition Regime Change War – On the Ground Reporting

David Macilwain | Ignorance on Syria is no longer an excuse.

Russian Air Force Hammers Terrorists in Southern Idlib

21WIRE + AMN | The Russian Air Force continues to soften terrorist strongholds as the Syrian Arab Army prepares their long-awaited offensive in and around Idlib.

SUNDAY SCREENING: Operation Basalt: Prying ISIS from Yarmouk (2018)

SUNDAY SCREENING | A rare look inside the ISIS cult, from one of its own foot soldiers in southern Syria.

Episode #246 – ‘Silicon Valley Dystopian Madness’ with Jay Dyer and Patrick Henningsen

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

AFGHANISTAN: ‘How to Fight a War of Ultimate Repetitiousness’

Tom Engelhardt | The U.S. military is now heading into record territory in Afghanistan.

Syrian Army Spies Taunt Jihadi Militants in North Idlib with Videos

AMN | This ‘psychological warfare’ adopted by the Syrian Army is meant to negatively affect the morale of jihadi militants as they prepare for battle.

Disgracebook: ‘Work With Us or Die’

21WIRE + Common Dreams | A senior Facebook executive has told news publishers in Australia to either work with Facebook or die.

REPORT: Conspiracy Theories, Sanctions Won’t Derail Russia’s Economy

21WIRE + The Duran | The sanctions ‘bill from hell’ is an act of aggression, and Russia is prepared to withstand it as well as an emerging markets financial crisis.

False Western Narratives have Deepened Russia-West Estrangement

Tony Kevin | Is there any legal way Russia could be expelled from the UNSC over either or both of these sets of allegations?

Pompeo on the Prowl: US Establishes ‘Action Group’ to Coordinate Anti-Iran Policies

Middle East Eye | An Iranian-American advocacy group said this latest move by Washington “echoes the lead-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.”

The Road to Idlib and Beyond, Where Next for Syria?

Peter Ford | A number of other challenges, however, lie ahead besides Idlib before the Syrian government can rest easy. 

SOHR: US Coalition Transports Over 250 Trucks Filled with Weapons to Deir Ezzor

AMN | Earlier this year, President Trump said he wanted the US to ‘quickly withdraw’ its forces from Syria. This does not appear to be the case.

Fascistbook: ‘Censorship Does Not End Well’

21WIRE + Matt Taibbi | The recent deplatforming of Alex Jones does not bode well for the future of free speech.

US Sanctions on Iran Hurting Iraqis Too

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | The sanction-crazed bullies in Washington are out of touch and out of control.

In East Sweida, ISIS Desperation is Palpable

21WIRE + AMN | ISIS terrorists have wreaked havoc and horror on this community and now it appears their time is up.

SWEIDA: Heartbreaking Video Testimony of ISIS Attack Survivor

21WIRE | The attack on Sweida in southern Syria left many without family and with memories of unimaginable trauma.

‘Charles Lister Exposed as the Terrorist Apologist who has Prolonged Bloodshed in Syria’

Kevork Almassian | Exposing Charles Lister as a NATO stooge prolonging bloodshed in Syria.

Syrian Army to ISIS: ‘Surrender or die’ in East Sweida

AMN | “The Syrian Arab Army issued their final demand to the terrorists off the Islamic State (ISIS) in the eastern countryside of Sweida, calling on their forces to either surrender the Al-Safa Canyon or die.”

Russiagate Conceals Israeli Meddling and Coming War with Iran

Global Research | While the establishment and its corporate media stenographers peddle ‘Russian meddling’, Israel’s power over the Trump administration’s foreign policy is largely overlooked.

Palestinian Israeli Citizens March Through Downtown Tel Aviv to Protest Nation-State ‘Apartheid’ Law

Middle East Eye | ‘The new generation will not accept this humiliation. We are aware and we are active. We are here.’

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue