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Tulsi Gabbard Defies Democrat Party Whip, Votes ‘Present’ on Trump Impeachment

21WIRE | The 2020 candidate said she could not “in good conscience” vote for this impeachment because it has become a partisan process.

Polexit: After Brexit, Poland’s Supreme Court Says It Might Need to Leave EU Too

21WIRE | Supreme Court challenge could set the stage for potential “Polexit” showdown between Warsaw and Brussels.

Merkel: ‘Germany Will Not Back Down’ on Nord Stream 2 Despite US Threats

21WIRE | New US Senate bill will sanctions German firms for working on joint venture with Russia to deliver natural gas to the continent.

EU Empire: Guy Verhofstadt Threatens to Block Britain’s ‘Not Very Intelligent’ Brexit

21WIRE | The radical Belgian federalist wired a warning shot to London, before denigrating British citizens who voted Leave.

Giuliani Reveals Evidence of Yovanovitch, Biden Corruption in Ukraine

21WIRE | Evidence suggests that Obama administration officials were involved in a massive corruption scheme in Ukraine.

Idlib’s Jihadi Circus: Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Accuses Rival Group of Looting Electricity Towers

21WIRE + South Front | Tension now mounting among competing NATO and Gulf-backed terrorist factions ahead of impending offensive by Syrian Army.

Reports: Russian Military to Form New Group to Replace SDF in Northern Syria

21WIRE + AMN | Moscow and Damascus hoping to capitalize on their gains of late, retraining and managing disparate Kurdish forces formerly under US command.

Erdogan Threatens to Close US Incirlik Air Base if US Continue to Sanction Turkey

21WIRE | The loss of these Cold War era facilities would be a major blow to US, and likely lead to Turkey crashing out of NATO.

Pelosi and Democrat ‘Resistance’ Hand Trump a Blank Cheque for New Police State

21WIRE | For the Democratic leadership, when it comes to big government and police state spending – what Trump wants, Trump gets.

Maxine Waters on RussiaGate: ‘I Believe, Even Though I Don’t Have the Facts’

21WIRE | Until the Fourth Estate wakes from its slumber and challenges the long-running hoax that is RussiaGate, then polarization will only intensify, and ‘democracy’ will continue to degrade.

The Truth About OPCW and Supposed ‘Gas Attack’ in Douma

21WIRE | It’s time for the US, UK and France to come clean and admit the truth about the alleged 2018 ‘chlorine attack’ in Syria.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Iraq for Sale’ (2006)

SUNDAY SCREENING | This week’s featured documentary film curated by our editorial team.

Episode #306 – ‘A New Order?’ with guests Daniel Spaulding, Niko House and more

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

IG Report: Mainstream Media Now Silent on RussiaGate Lies They Helped Spread

21WIRE | To any sober observer, this plot would sound like lunacy, and yet the narrative is still being preserved by US deep state and Democratic Party.

McConnell: ‘No Chance’ Trump Will Be Removed from Office

21WIRE | Senators try to reassure their base after being criticized for saying they will not call any witnesses to testify on behalf of the President at impeachment trial.

NATO’s Terrorist Army: Hundreds of Jaysh Al-Izza Defectors Join Turkish-Backed Forces

21WIRE + South Front | Terrorist factions continue to join NATO’s ranks, as Erdogan tries to sustain his violent proxy war in Syria.

The Financialization of the US Economy Should Terrify All Americans

Hossein Askari | Although it produces no consumable goods, the financial sector is taking up an increasing share of the US economy. Do the American people really benefit from this financial sector?

UK Post-Election Analysis: The Winner, Losers and Collateral Damage

UKC News | UK Column News co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with a full post-election analysis. Watch:

Was Russia Barred from Olympics for Thwarting US Geopolitical Ambitions?

21WIRE + Strategic Culture | It’s important to view this through the lens of what has unfolded since 2014, particularly in regards to the Ukraine and Syria.

Turkish FM: ‘Israel Will Never Achieve Its Dreams in Palestine’

AMN | Turkish minister warning Israel that it’s plan to ethnically cleanse of native Palestinian population will not succeed.

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