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Papal Encyclical “Laudato Si”: A Brand New Sustainable Testament

Branko Malić I Famous “environmental” encyclical by Pope Francis still rises controversy. We present an analysis of an entire document.

A Critique of Alexander Dugin’s 4th Political Theory: Against the Gnostics

Branko Malić I Alexander Dugin claims to have a cure for the disease of modern world. We’ll demonstrate why is it better to stay in bed than swallow the pill he’s offering.

Political Correctness: A Comprehensive Dictionary of Oblivion

Branko Malić I It’s so easy to condemn political correctness. But do we know what it really is?

Political Correctness in EU: Depressive Tolerance

Branko Malić I A powerful international NGO has been trying for years to make the strangely conceived notion of “tolerance” the basis of EU member state’s laws. So what’s wrong about that? Apparently, everything.

Hegelian Dialectics: Don’t Mess with Hegel

Branko Malić I There’s a lot of talk about Hegelian dialectics. But what would Hegel himself have to say about it?

TTIP Leaks: It Ain’t Like in the Movies at All

Branko Malić I TTIP leaks are still a hot topic in mainstream media. However, do they reveal anything we already haven’t known beforehand?

Agenda 21: An Introduction

Branko Malić | One main objection to Agenda 21 detractors is that they haven’t read it. Here, we present the analysis based on close reading of an entire document

Global Warming Scare: A Genealogy of Climate of Fear

Branko Malić | Global warming scare is approaching its third decade. Why not take a look at its roots and history?

UN Climate Deal: The Joke is on Us

Branko Malić | The UN’s climate circus is rapidly cooling off.

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