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UN Climate Deal: The Joke is on Us

Branko Malić
21st Century Wire

On Friday April 22nd, the “historical climate deal” – better known as “Paris Agreement” – was signed by 174 member states of UN, with moderate fanfare. The atmosphere around the event was, of course, forcibly euphoric – if tad awkward – with new designated climate groupie, Leonardo di Caprio, chanting the spent “we must act now!” mantra, and UN luminaries jumping around in somewhat masturbatory orgy of self-congratulating.

However, all this serves to hide the fact that, from the stand point of catastrophic global warming fan club, the deal is a failure. Namely, the main drive behind the 21st Conference of the Parties (meaning: sovereign member states of UN participating in UNFCC) in Paris, which ended on 12.12.2015, producing a 31 page draft agreement, was to impose a binding treaty and not merely an agreement; something that apparently did not materialize.

The proceedings of COP21 and presentation of “historical climate deal” came to pass in a surreal atmosphere of feigned urgency and strange mixture of ecstatic delight which, however, was confined to a tiny circle of participants, environmentalist activists and their mainstream media entourage.

This strange display of few chosen men and women rejoicing at imaginary solution to imaginary crisis was largely overlooked by populous which is, at least semi-consciously, becoming resistant to climate alarmism, if for nothing else, then because every lie has it’s expiration date and global warming scare is approaching 27th anniversary of it’s grand entry into mass media channels.

Be that as it may, Paris agreement is a compilation of “shoulds” while it was obviously meant to be a legally binding codification of “shalls”: while sovereign state is an endangered species in this world, it is obviously not yet extinct to such an extent that majority of world leaders would ratify the treaty that would de jure install the apparatus of global governance on pretext of combating ecological crisis.

The Paris Treaty is, in this author’s opinion, falling short of this aim miserably as it could have been anticipated even in the September of last year, when UN presented it’s latest Agenda, the so called Agenda 2030.  Namely, doctrine of sustainable development, and not empirical research of esoteric “climate science”, is a main purpose, and consequently: the main drive, behind the climate scare road show.

This doctrine, under various names, is being steadily pushed as an official ideology of Euro-Atlantic Bloc from early Seventies of the previous century, and it doesn’t really require global warming to make it work upon the minds of gullible. If there’s any solid constant in protean “enemy image” upon which the system of sustainable development must be built, then it would be “overpopulation”, the inherently genocidal idea pervading all flavors of this doctrine

Sustainable development is, simply put, a system of world encompassing control conceived to automatically self-differentiate and develop it’s functions on the basis of fear. All it really requires is one absolute outside threat which cannot be removed but only infinitely mitigated by unified action of mankind.

This enemy image is, of course, just an image, because such threat doesn’t exist and every basis chosen by sustainability programmers has a definite expiration date. On closer analysis, the Agenda 2030 document already indicated that “global warming” scare is reaching this date. It was not very prominent among other “17 sustainability goals” and now it is slowly giving way to another cosmic Osama bin Laden, invoked to make us survey and control ourselves through fear: global – or to be more precise: European-based terrorism.

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) in reducing greenhouse gases, which serve as a basis of reaching the goal of keeping the global average temperature – whatever the hell that is – under „2 °C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels, recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change.“ (PA, 2.1. (a)), are far cry from what global warming dupes would like to see implemented.

While we can detect some sporadic attempts to link “climate catastrophe” with demographical shifts from Middle East towards Europe, it is all too obvious, even to the dupes, that those shifts, while obviously man-made, have nothing to do with climate.

Moreover, while until now each and every draught, warm winter or forest fire was pointed out as an unmistakable sign of coming end times, the warm European winter of 2015/2016. apparently flew under the radar of alarmists. This is also one of the clear signs that climate scare is finally spent, admittedly not by efforts of critics, nor by crumbling of pseudo-scientific edifice of advocates, but simply by quite banal passage of time.

However, here we are presented with difficulty. The publicly visible “world leaders”, grouped roughly around UN and Davos summits, are acting as if everything is still business as usual. The situation is surreal: while majority of people are ridiculing them – that is, those that pay them any attention at all – individuals like Christina Figuerres or Bill Gates are still chanting their same old mantras. This is quite worrisome. Namely, someone could infer that they are simply delusional, finalizing their detachment from reality, and leave it at that. However, this is only half-true.

The whole truth, as it seems, is that their detachment from reality is the result not of mere mental blindness, but of power inflicted darkening of the minds. This is unmistakable sign of complete detachment of power from the “people”, i.e. masses of humanity or self-conscious groups in their midst.

The global elites are not deluded by their stupidity, but by their confident belief that they cannot be challenged. And, judging by signs of the times, they are quite right. So, when they continue to push global warming scare despite the fact that most people are becoming conscious of it being a sham, this could very well mean that they don’t feel any need to deceive anyone anymore.

Moreover, sustainable development is a true reason for existence of global warming scare and it is a doctrine that can gradually discard it for the sake of some better and more convincing principle, if need be. After all, this is why the Paris treaty exists in the first place:

“This Agreement, in enhancing the implementation of the Convention, including its objective, aims to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change, in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty (…)“ (PA, 2.2)

The main novelty of Agenda 2030 is the first of it’s 17. sustainable development goals: “1. End poverty in all it’s forms everywhere” (A2030, pg. 12), which is to be accomplished until 2030. So we are expected to believe that the main constituent of human condition – namely, material misery – will be decommissioned from existence in 14 years period.

Those who believe that UN luminaries really buy into this crap are sporting minds of ten to twelve years old children; anyone, with just a modicum of common sense, must conjecture that something else is afoot here.

However, for our purpose, it is sufficient to point out that intersection of climate change, sustainable development and final solution of poverty is a basis for Paris Treaty. And in this intersection, there exists hierarchy where sustainable systematization of world resources – human, environmental and economical is at the top, encompassing the other two. Both lower aims are expendable, because they’re merely pretexts for accomplishing sustainable development world-wide.

The very fact that globalist spokespersons are seriously spinning yarns no one in his right mind can believe in, goes to show that the power of lower strata of society – and that’s approximately everybody under the level of mainstream media pundits and professional politicians eligible for employment in global institutions – is at the all times low. And the members of higher strata are, explicitly or implicitly, aware of it.

So there’s no reason to gloat about idiocy of our rulers, because it is not really an idiocy but just a normal conduct stemming from the fact that they are not paying us any attention anyway.

Admittedly, the stories are getting thinner and narratives crumble as they are being written.

But is it because we are so smart?

Or is it because we are so detached from any kind of control over our livelihoods that those that have a firm grip on it, via control of media, politics and finance, really don’t bother to deceive us anymore?

To learn more about Agenda 2030, listen to this interview with Branko Malić on the Sunday Wire radio show with host Patrick Henningsen…

Author Branko Malić is a Croatian author and owner of Kali Tribune, with the background in classical philosophy. He’s focused on philosophy, media, culture and deep politics analysis.

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