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What Do Netanyahu’s Racist Comments Say About Modern Israel?

Robert Inlakesh | Do Netanyahu’s racist comments reflect something much more sinister lingering in Israel’s society?

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The Zionist Story’ (2009)

SUNDAY SCREENING | An independent film about ethnic cleansing, colonialism and apartheid in the Holy Land.

An Open Letter to Ilhan Omar, the Lioness Who Entered the Halls of Hyenas

Teodrose Fikre | I hope you choose defiance over political expedience.

Why is Washington Afraid of Ilhan Omar?

Robert Inlakesh | Politically speaking, Washington DC has now become an occupied territory.

“Anti-Semitism” is being weaponised to censor outrage at crimes committed by Zionists against Palestine

Finian Cunningham | The anti-Zionist/anti-semitic fraud is also being used to smear and undermine any potential political opposition within Western states.

France’s Macron leads the way as western leaders malevolently confuse anti-Zionism with antisemitism

Jonathan Cook | The smear industry doesn’t want safeguards on antisemitism.

First Bill Introduced in U.S. Senate Makes Boycotting Israel ‘Illegal’

21WIRE | Which ‘progressive’ House Democrats will vote for this new draconian law?

Likud Fail? Netanyahu’s Coalition Collapses, New Elections Called for April 2019

21WIRE | More trouble is brewing for Israel’s power-hungry “President for Life”.

The Secret History of Israel’s State-Sponsored Assassinations

21WIRE + PBS | An explanation of the history and radical religious underpinnings of this illegal and dangerous policy.

VIDEO: Gaza Demonstrations and the Execution of Razan Al-Najar

Robert Inlakesh | Gaza demonstrations explained with the context that the MSM refuses to report upon.

Trump’s Latest Stunt or Bibi’s Revenge: Regime Change in Tehran vs the Coming of Armageddon

Dr Can Erimtan | Should we take Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal as Evangelical End Times dog whistle or is Trump merely bumbling along, trying to please everyone, and no one, in the process?

On World Press Freedom Day – ‘Media on Trial’ Event is Cancelled by Leeds City Council

21WIRE | Leeds City Council censors independent Media event on World Press Freedom Day.

The ‘Divide and Conquer’ Campaign Being Waged Against Palestinian Resistance

Robert Inlakesh | The agenda to divide and conquer the Palestinian people and how this is being carried out.

REVEALED: Temple Mount Movement’s Goal to Build ‘Third Temple’ on Ruins of Al Aqsa

Mersiha Gadzo | The goal is transform Jerusalem from being a ‘neutral’ city, into the global capital of a radical religious movement.

Assaults on Journalists in West Bank and Occupied Jerusalem

Journalist Support | JSC condemns the series of attacks on journalists after Trump declares Jerusalem – capital of Israel.

Who Are Hezbollah and What is Their Role in the Middle East?

21WIRE + South Front | What is Hezbollah’s world vision?

BBC Deletes Tweet that Exposes Israel’s Westminster Privileges

21WIRE + MEM | The BBC has often been accused of pro-Israel bias.

NAKBA 2017: The Never-Ending Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

Robert Inlakesh | The Zionist ethnic cleansing project in Palestine is ongoing

Desecration of Church Property to Silence Syrian Voices – SSUK Extremism Exposed

Vanessa Beeley | Karma is a bitch and she has been waiting a long time for this moment. 

REVEALED: US-Backed Kurdish Factions Colluding with ISIS on Syrian Battlefield

21WIRE + AMN | Clear evidence of US backed Kurdish forces collaborating with ISIS in Syria

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue