21st Century Wire says…
The Israeli PR hegemony in Hollywood is starting to waver.
It was only the question of time…
By Billy Hallowell
When celebrities defend Israel, they typically face no shortage of criticism. Remember when pop singer Katy Perry tweeted that she was praying for the Jewish state back in 2011?
She was met with a multitude of attacks from supporters of Palestine. With the current violence going on between Israel and Hamas, celebrities are, again, coming under fire for pro-Israeli sentiment. The latest targets: Kim Kardashian and Jon Lovitz.
On Friday, Kardashian, a reality television star, tweeted, “Praying for everyone in Israel.” Instantly, nasty responses followed her support for the Jewish state. From attacks against Israel to personal slurs against the star, the comments and proclamations were harsh to say the least.
“Further enhancing your reputation as a dumb porn star,” one read. A separate message alleged that Kardashian is a “disgrace” and that she needs to “educate” herself. One particularly vicious “fan” told the star “just kill yourself.” And yet another condemned Israel, claiming that the nation “will be destroyed along with all the Jews…”
Here are just a few of the messages, as captured by Twitchy:
Recognizing that her initial tweet had caused furor, Kardashian followed the message up with another, which read, “And praying for everyone in Palestine and across the world!” But it was too little, too late. Following the social media chaos, the television star removed the tweets from her page.
The situation didn’t end there, though. Kardashian, feeling the need to address the controversy, took to her blog to explain why she sent the initial tweets and then deleted them. She wrote:
“I want to own up to and explain that earlier today I sent out two tweets about saying prayers for the people in Palestine and Israel and after hearing from my followers, I decided to take down the tweets because I realized that some people were offended and hurt by what I said, and for that I apologize. I should have pointed out my intentions behind these tweets when I posted them. The fact is that regardless of religion and political beliefs, there are countless innocent people involved who didn’t choose this, and I pray for all of them and also for a resolution. I also pray for all the other people around the world who are caught in similar crossfires.”
Comedian Jon Lovitz, too, caught fire for his support of Israel. But unlike Kardashian, he didn’t backtrack on his initial words. In fact, he doubled down, using expletives and fervency to drive them home (Lovitz has already been more than candid about his views on Obama and taxation). On Sunday, the actor took to Twitter, where he said that it is “very sad people are getting killed in the Israeli-Hamas conflict.”
However, rather than keeping his message vague, he followed it up with, “It’s also sad to hear Americans defend Hamas, a terrorist organization. Israel has a right to defend its citizens.” Reaction was swift, but so were Lotivz’s rebuttals (you’ll notice he promptly told one user, “You don’t know s**t.”).
Some Twitter users warned Lovitz that the left will retaliate for his pro-Israel sentiment. His response? “F**k ‘em.” Here are some of the other social media messages that the comedian sent to detractors (as collected by Twitchy):
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