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Humza Yousaf: Israel’s Collective Punishment of Millions Not Justified

21WIRE | Scotland’s first minister calls for creation of humanitarian corridor to allow people to leave besieged enclave and aid to enter – but is that enough?

YEMEN: Ten Myths about Saudi War of Aggression Debunked

21WIRE + GA | Western Media Whitewashes Saudi War Crimes While “Condemning Violence on All Sides”.

The Killing Fields of Australia – Racism and Routine Ethnic Cleansing

Chris Graham | The systematic persecution of the Aboriginal communities in Australia

Israeli Military Thugs Execute Wounded Palestinian Youth in the Street in Broad Daylight

21WIRE + Electronic Infifada | Israeli military henchmen execute an unarmed, wounded Palestinian man in the street in broad daylight.

Standard Practice: Jew Settlers Stoning Palestine Christian Children As They Walk to School

This video which demonstrates what Palestinians go through on a daily basis, as Jewish settlers ‘defend themselves’ by stoning children, and in some cases – permanently disfiguring them… ….

Rohingya Muslims Ethnic Cleansing and Silence from the West’s Moral Gatekeepers

BURMA/MYANMAR – Hardly a word from the West’s latest mascot for world peace, Aung San Suu Kyi, as the U.N. and the world remain surprisingly silent on this issue. Western media hide the plight of Rohingya Muslims – brutal state sponsored ethnic cleansing – as it doesn’t fit the preferred story that Buddhists are “peace-loving” […]

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