In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio airing on Sept 29, 2022, French independent researcher and journalist Freddie Ponton discusses his latest article entitled, “Chaos By Design: The Roots of the EU Energy Crisis and France’s ‘Green’ Deception,” revealing how France and Macron plan to dismantle their nuclear power grid in order to ‘go green’ – a sure disaster for the country. Also, we discover the roots of the Great Reset agenda, birthed in the US during the Reagan administration with the blueprint for ‘disintegrating’ the global economy in preparation for a digital currency and globalist technocracy – all courtesy of the Trilateral Commission. All this and more. Listen:
Read Freddie’s article here.
▶️ TUNE-IN LIVE with Patrick every TUES & THURS at 8AM-11AM (NEW YORK) | 1PM-4PM (LONDON) | 10PM-1AM (BRISBANE) – LISTEN LIVE @ TNT:
READ MORE GREAT RESET NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Great Reset Files

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