21WIRE | Vanessa Beeley on UK Column discussing Eastern Ghouta, Douma, White Helmets.
Visiting Terrorist Missile Factories Next Door to White Helmets in Eastern Ghouta
Episode #231 – ‘Exposing the Government-Media Complex’ with guests Ian Shilling, Vanessa Beeley
SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…
Whether it’s Russiagate, Skripal or Syria, the Media Have Lost Their Grip on Reality
Paul Mansfield | Despite a series of collapsing mainstream narratives, the establishment can’t help but doubling-down on their government-issued official conspiracy theories.
Craig Murray: Why Mainstream Media are Attacking Indy Media
Craig Murray | The lauded “Index on Censorship” is a farce – Britain is now waging a pernicious war against any independent voices and political dissent online.
SKRIPAL AFFAIR: Nikki Haley Already Back-Tracking on Russian ‘Novichok’ Case
21WIRE + RT | Here is the list of lies which US and UK representatives have been repeating about Russia – in order to cover-up a lack of proof for their damning indictments.
FULL INTERVIEW: Sergei Lavrov Dismantles BBC ‘Hard Talk’ Host Stephen Sackur on Syria, Skripal
21WIRE | This interview demonstrates just how desperate the BBC are to control their unraveling narratives.
Neil Clark on the Collapse of the Skripal Narrative: ‘It’s The Emperor’s New Clothes’
Neil Clark | One month ago we were told that ‘Novichok’ was the deadliest nerve agent known to man. Apparently, not anymore.
UK COLUMN: British Intel Now Claims Syria Involved in Skripal Case and More
UK Column News | Mike Robinson is joined by Patrick Henningsen and guest Piers Robinson for today’s news round-up.
Episode #228 – ‘Another WMD Caper’ with Ambassador Peter Ford and guests
SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…
CrossTalk: Skripal and The Problem with BoJo
CrossTalk | Transparency and the rule of law are the biggest casualties in this latest Western WMD caper.
Peter Hitchens on Britian’s Attitude Towards Russia and the Skripal Poisoning
Peter Hitchens | Discussing the problems with Skripal case with leading British columnist.
UNSC Emergency Meeting: Russian Envoy Calls UK, Boris Johnson Antics a ‘Theater of Absurd’
RT International | Desperate to sell it’s own official conspiracy theory, British authorities continue to deflect away from calls for it to produce actual evidence.
Why are Western Leaders & Media Conditioning Their Public to Hate Russia?
Stephen F. Cohen | Russia quenches America’s military-industrial complex’s budgetary need for an “enemy”. Are the US and UK pulling the world into war again?
UK COLUMN: Ghouta’s ‘Underground Terrorist City’, Collapse of British Skripal Novichok Narrative
UK Column News | Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson are joined by Vanessa Beeley with a stunning report from on the ground in Syria.
UK Version of Skripal Case ‘Not Credible’ says Walter Litvinenko, Father of Alexander Litvinenko
Oksana Boyko | The Skripal case mirrors the Litvinenko case in so many ways – and neither of these cases add up.
Peskov: ‘There are No Rules in West When it Comes to Bringing Russia Down’
Sophie Co | Trying to understand the mental madness of the US and UK governments and western mainstream media.
Craig Murray: Johnson and May are Hiding as Their ‘Novichok’ Lies Dissolve
Craig Murray | Last night’s statement by Porton Down has cause Theresa May and Boris Johnson to go into hiding over the Skripal Affair.
Skripal Affair: Moscow’s 14 Questions
RT International | Still, London refused to cooperate with Russia on the case, denying its consular staff access to Russian citizen Yulia Skripal – and turning down a request to provide a sample of the alleged ‘Novichok’.
UPDATE: Briefing Note on ‘Doubts about Novichoks’
WGSPM | In view of rapidly worsening relations between the West and Russia, and the evolving military events in Syria, this evidence-based analysis has been published in respect to the Skripal incident of March 4, 2018.
John Pilger: ‘Silencing Assange is Part of Aggressive US-UK War on Free Speech’
John Pilger | “That’s what this propaganda war is about – it is a war on speaking out. It is a war on dissent.”