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Silencing Dissent: Israel’s Raid on Al Jazeera and the Future of Press Freedom

Iara Modarelli | The suppression of dissenting voices is a key element of Israel’s strategy to shape the media narrative around its ongoing genocide in Gaza.

ECUADOR: Protests Heat Up in Quito, Moreno Government Leaves Capital City

21WIRE | The US-backed Moreno, who recently sold out Julian Assange, has fled Ecuador’s capital.

Chelsea Manning Defiant, Sent to Jail Again for Refusing to Incriminate Assange

21WIRE | US authorities continue their policy of coercion and punishment in order to compel Manning to help fabricate a new ‘conspiracy’ case against Assange.

John Pilger: ‘Silencing Assange is Part of Aggressive US-UK War on Free Speech’

John Pilger | “That’s what this propaganda war is about – it is a war on speaking out. It is a war on dissent.”

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