Dr Joseph Mercola | You cannot have a vaccine that is both for emergency use and a ‘licensed’ product at the same time. That’s against the law, but the government has done it anyway.
Why No One Can Force You to Get the Experimental COVID Injection
New Evidence for Infanticide in Creation of Fetal Cell Line for COVID Vaccine Testing
Jon Rappoport | Given the weight of the evidence presented, all people of faith now have strong case for refusal on religious grounds.
Whistleblower: Pfizer Falsified Data, Unblinded Patients, Aloof to Vaccine Adverse Reactions
21WIRE | New revelations point to systematic fraud and neglect in Pfizer’s mRNA ‘vaccine’ trials.
FDA Panel Votes 17-0 to Allow Experimental Pfizer Injections for Children 5-11 yrs
21WIRE | Another round of non existent government regulation paves the way for infinitely more risk, and billions in profit for the manufacturers and their investors.
Sweden Suspends Moderna mRNA Injections After Patients Develop Crippling Heart Condition
21WIRE | Swedish health officials now having second thoughts about giving the problematic jabs to any more of its citizens.
Sacré: ‘The Lord of Vaccines and the New Health Terrorism’
Dr. Pascal Sacré | Beyond Huxley: a dark new religion, with millions now celebrating about having taken the experimental injection.
New Study: Pfizer ‘Vaccine’ Increases Myocarditis Threefold
Dr Joseph Mercola | Despite numerous studies showing the connection between COVID-19 jabs and myocarditis, governments continue to ignore the evidence in favour of shift pharmaceutical products.
CDC Admits: ‘Vaccinated People May Be Spreading The Delta Variant’
21WIRE + NPR | This latest government move is a strategic one, and is likely to cause dissension among the ranks of a compliant public.
What is the Link Between COVID-19 Shots, Cancer and HIV?
Dr Sam Bailey | Blowing the lid off many of the widely touted claims made by pharmaceutical companies and ‘public health’ officials.
Vernon Coleman: ‘The MHRA – Nothing Changes’
Dr Vernon Coleman | Once again, a government agency is acing on behalf of the drug companies – and putting ordinary citizens at risk.
Pharma’s Statistical Trick to Coax Children Into Receiving Experimental Jabs
Dr. Joseph Mercola | Upon closer analysis, Pharma’s widely assumed claims of ‘effectiveness’ and ‘safety’ quickly unravel.
Former Pfizer VP: “The thing to be terrified of is your government’
The High Wire | Dr. Yeadon breaks down his “list of lies” that government and media have been pushing since day one of the ‘pandemic.’
High Priest of ‘The Science’ Whitty Decrees: ‘Children Need Covid Jabs to Avoid More School Closures’
21WIRE | Absent any meaningful regulatory oversight, who is left to restrain government and Big Pharma?
US Government Just Spent $3 Billion on ‘Combating Vaccine Hesitancy’
Dr. Joseph Mercola | The US government has paid for the development and distribution of the vaccine, and now they are paying for a new deceptive advertising campaign to help increase Big Pharma’s record-breaking profits.
Expert Concerns About COVID Vaccine Blood Clots
Perspectives on the Pandemic | New evidence strongly suggests there is an active cover-up underway over the emergency roll-out of the new Covid vaccine and mRNA genetic injections.
Biden: US Will Now Export Its Unlicensed Experimental Vaccines
21WIRE | How the US government helps Big Pharma capture new and emerging markets.
Leading Scientists: COVID ‘Booster Shots’ Are Unnecessary
21WIRE | Some qualified scientists are finally beginning to challenge the omnipotence of the dominant drug firms.
STUDY: Vaccine Trial Participants Not Sufficiently Informed of Risks From Experimental Jabs
21WIRE + Pub Med | A clear case of government and pharmaceutical industry collusion, and cartel-like corruption being wrought on a global scale – placing millions of lives at risk.
NEW STUDY: COVID Vaccines Linked to Prion Brain Degeneration Similar to Mad Cow Disease
21WIRE | Will government regulators admit they were wrong to wave the normal drug regulatory process?