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CDC Admits: ‘Vaccinated People May Be Spreading The Delta Variant’

It was only a matter of time. After months of constantly moving the goalposts and revising claims about what this range of unlicensed experimental COVID injections can and can’t do, public health bureaucrats are now losing control of their own dubious narrative. 

After spending billions of dollars in advertising and marketing for the new COVID jabs, including millions earmarked for celebrities and social media ‘influencers,’ government experts have suddenly rescinded previous claims that the ‘vaccines’ provided immunity for SARSCoV2. But this latest move by the US government is likely to cause dissension among the ranks of the previously compliant vaccinated public.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced on Friday that not only do the jabs not provide any immunity to the so-called ‘novel’ coronavirus (a fact widely known by astute non-mainstream journalists and commentators since 2020), but that those who went and got vaccinated are now spreaders of COVID. A recent outbreak in Barnstable, Massachusetts has shown the majority of COVID infections were found among the vaccinated, with three quarters (74%) of the cases happening in fully vaccinated persons (301 of these 346 cases being men with a median age of 42 years).

The New York Times was quick to add the caveat to their headline, “Vaccinated People May Spread the Virus, Though Rarely,” assuring the vaccinated that everything is still safe.

While appearing to be counter-intuitive from an official narrative point of view, this CDC admission should be viewed as a strategic move by government in preparation for the fall and winter season – as Western governments are planning to re-invoke the ‘global pandemic’ narrative, and resume intermittent lockdowns in response to some new ‘variant’ supposedly in circulation. In this upcoming scenario, the vaccinated will be required to lockdown and wear masks alongside the increasingly marginalised unvaccinated population – a strategy certain to create even more social and political division and tension. Their ultimate aim will be to use this next phase of ‘crisis’ in order to vaccinate as many children as possible during the 2021-2022 school year.

Moreover, plans are afoot to market a new COVID ‘booster’ jab alongside the flu vaccine this coming autumn and winter, including plans by mRNA gene-jab giant Moderna to release a 2-in-1 Flu-COVID combo injection in the very near future.

Not surprisingly, this latest revision of ‘The Science’ by the CDC has come as a major shock to many millions of members of the public who trusted government and media and volunteered to take part in the world’s largest-ever pharmaceutical experiment.

NPR reports…

When revising its mask guidance this week to urge even vaccinated people to wear masks indoors in much of the country, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was criticized for not citing data in making that move.

Now it has — and the data is sobering.

The study details a COVID-19 outbreak that started July 3 in Provincetown, Mass., involving 469 cases. It found that three-quarters of cases occurred in fully vaccinated people. Massachusetts has a high rate of vaccination: about 69% among eligible adults in the state at the time of the study.

It also found no significant difference in the viral load present in the breakthrough infections occurring in fully vaccinated people and the other cases, suggesting the viral load of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons infected with the coronavirus is similar.

The CDC said the finding that fully vaccinated people could spread the virus was behind its move to change its mask guidance.

“High viral loads suggest an increased risk of transmission and raised concern that, unlike with other variants, vaccinated people infected with Delta can transmit the virus,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC’s director, said in a statement Friday.

“This finding is concerning and was a pivotal discovery leading to CDC’s updated mask recommendation. The masking recommendation was updated to ensure the vaccinated public would not unknowingly transmit virus to others, including their unvaccinated or immunocompromised loved ones,” Walensky said…

Continue this story at NPR

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