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What is NATO? What are they up around the world? Read our extensive archive of NATO activity and learn more about this globalist instrument of war...

Crony Collusion: VP Joe Biden’s Son Joins Board of Ukrainian Gas Company

21WIRE + Moscow Times | The men and women of Washington DC see absolutely no problem with filling their family pockets and trust funds on US taxpayer time.

Date With Destiny: Is Independence for Eastern Ukraine a ‘Done Deal’?

Andrew McKillop | No amount of kicking, crying, or screaming from Washington or London can change the fact that Eastern Ukraine will eventually win some level recognition.

The Odessa Cover-Up: Washington and Kiev’s Crime Against Humanity

William Boardman | Washington and EU double agenda typifies the culture of shallowness and moral relativism which has redefined the proxy war.

Episode #33 – SUNDAY WIRE – ‘The West’s New Global Soviet’ with Pepe Escobar, Brian Gerrish and Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE | What is really behind the West’s to homogenise their world at home and away?

Nuland’s Army: Government Tanks Driving Drunk Through Eastern Ukraine

21WIRE + Zero Hedge | Victoria Nuland’s Ukrainian Army have been deployed into Eastern Ukraine to put down a real grass roots opposition movement to Washington’s violent Fascist Junta in Kiev.

BASIL VALENTINE: Why Do UKIP & Scottish Independence So Terrify the Globalists?

Basil Valentine | Globalist hyperbole indicates paranoia, but why?

Inventing a ‘Russian Threat’: Washington’s Full-Spectrum Subversion

Mark Hackard | Washington has pulled out all the stops this time, in order demonise and isolate Russia in its own regional sphere.

Dr. Strangelove is Back: Washington Pulling NATO’s Strings in Ukraine

John Pilger | Deception, propaganda and blind ambition – welcome to Washington’s Cuckoo Nest.

Turkish Government Shuts Down YouTube After ‘Syria Invasion Plan’ Was Leaked

21WIRE + RT | This is what happens in a dictatorship – and it’s all to hide NATO’s revived plans for war with Syria.

Henningsen: ‘West only attacking countries who can’t fight back’

Going Underground | Patrick Henningsen says the UK’s involvement in Iraq is still creating radicalization at home – and the government doesn’t seem to want to learn from its mistakes.

The Rape of Ukraine: Phase Two Begins

F. William Engdahl | The economic cooperation between Ukraine and Moscow was something Washington was determined to sabotage at all costs.


Andrew McKillop | Hollande invites Obama to D-Day anniversary, but both leaders remain out-to-lunch as to where their place is in history.


Andrew McKillop | Battle for the Ukraine is shaping up into a classic poker-game challenge for Vladimir Putin.

COVERT WAR: US Congress ‘Quietly’ Approves More Arms to ‘Rebels’ in Syria

21WIRE + RT | Congress privately voted to funnel arms, anti-tank rockets, as well as financial backing to rebels fighting in Syria.

The Elite’s Playbook of Geopolitical and Ideological Quests

Andrew McKillop | Your guide to understanding Eurasia, and emmerging Ruso-Chinese pact, and where the new multi-polar Titanic is heading.

EMPIRE LESSON ONE: Who Controls the Heartland, Controls the World

Andrew McKillop | The “World Island Theory” is still going strong in the 21st century – understanding it is essential in following the grand chessboard.

Fast & Furious UK-Style: Britain’s Gun-running to East Africa, Somali Pirates

Patrick Henningsen | Damning new report accuses UK govt of arming Somali pirates, dictators in East Africa.

The Reality Behind the US Foreign Policy and its Military Might

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | Ever since the dawn of modern warfare, a handful of investment banks and corporations have been behind every war.

Tunisian Terror attempt occurs as AFRICOM and NATO expand

21Wire + Reuters | This is a world of think tanks, bloated military projects seizing control and manufactured terror.

The Horn of Africa: Neo Colonialism, Oil Wars and Terror Games

Shawn Helton | The spoils of Africa are being divided up again.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue