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Matt Stoller Explains COVID’s Billionaire and Big Government Power-play

Press and the Public Project | What are the real economic implications of the coronavirus lockdown?

COVID CRISIS: What Happens When U.S. Fed Creates $6 Trillion on Its Balance Sheet?

Mafiacracy Now | Don’t forget: in the world of Wall Street, banking profits are privatized, while losses are socialized

SUNDAY SCREENING: GREED – Money, Happiness and Eternal Life (2016)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Our weekly documentary film, curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.

Crytpo: ‘Monopoly of Sovereign Issuance of Money is Clearly Over’

21WIRE | Crypto advocates believe the juggernaut is already in motion and that mass adoption is a fait accompli.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The China Hustle’ (2017)

SUNDAY SCREENING | It was all going swimmingly well, until someone blew the whistle and threatened to bring down one of the biggest house of cards ever.

Trump’s Tweets and China-Baiting Distracts from Fundamentally Poor US Economy

21WIRE | Amid all the drama with Trump’s tweets, few are asking the key question: just how healthy is the US economy?

Why Latest Fed Rate Cut Will Not Stimulate Investment or Growth

Stephen Lendman | Warning: QE dropping money on Wall Street to near-zero interest rates will boost asset valuations to bubble levels.

Post-2020: India to Outpace US as World’s Second Most Powerful Economy

21WIRE | A motivated young population and a burgeoning manufacturing and technology sector means that India will pass the United States in as early as ten years.

The Truth About Consumer & Student Debt in Our New Cashless Society

Adam Carroll | This social epidemic has led to a new generation which is much deeper in debt than any other time in history.

Jesus vs. The Banksters

Renegade Inc | Remember the story of the altercation between Jesus and the money changers at the Temple?

Top 15 Richest People In History (Adjusted for Inflation)

21WIRE | A list of histories billionaires and trillionaires who put Gates and Bezos to shame.

In the Age of Amazon, Are Traditional Shopping Malls Dead?

21WIRE + Bloomberg | For mall owners, renovation spending is rising faster than rental income.

The Coming Economic Crisis And “Opportunity”

21WIRE + Roy Morrison | Amidst the heat of geopolitical matters, geo-economics is continuing a spiraling path to collapse.

Good News for Silver in 2017

James Burgess | The fundamental for silver are now clearer than ever.

How Big Banks Conspire With Big Oil To Manipulate Currency and Commodity Markets

Washington’s Blog | Until Wall Street executives are finally thrown in jail, the criminality and blatant manipulation will grow and spread and metastasize.

Breaking The Chains: Our Financial System is Pulling Us Down

Jason Liosatos | Most people have no savings and are in debt to credit cards, loans, and mortgages.

ALERT: All Of The Money In Your Bank Account Could Disappear In A Single Moment

The Economic Collapse | What would you do if you logged in to your bank account someday and it showed that you had a zero balance and your bank had no record that you ever had any money in your account?

Bankers’ Robbery: The EU has thrown Cyprus to the Wolves

Steve Keen | Now the bankers are truly getting desperate – prompting a run on the banks.

BREAKING: Russia ‘Printing Money for Syria’ Claims Latest Report

By Alex Spillius Russia is printing bank notes and sending them by the plane load to Syria to help the besieged regime pay its soldiers and civil servants, a new report suggests. Flight records obtained by the investigative website ProPublica showed that at least 120 and up to 240 tons of bank notes were delivered […]

A Film from Harry Fear in Palestine: ‘Martyred in Gaza’

“Most of the shelling targeted young people, women and the elderly and the Israeli enemy is erratically targeting civilians.” Over Armistice weekend Israeli forces killed 6 Palestinians and injured around 40 in three sets of attacks on the Gaza Strip. In the Jabalia area, 20-year-old Mohammed Obeid was killed. In the Shejiea area, Israel killed […]

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