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Grasping At Straws (The Illusion of Choice)

Art by Dan Lacey via Etsy (See his work here)

Zen Gardner

It’s pitiful to watch the US election gyrations in the midst of this calculated societal breakdown. Americans have historically had such guts and strength, while albeit pitiful little is left, as they direct their vestigial frustration in such futile directions in the throes of their certain demise.

So many have attached their grievances and hence hopes for change to this new set of puppet false promises it’s absolutely not just alarming, but seriously disturbing. The very nature of looking to others to change their circumstances, never mind via such obvious psychopathic, self-serving, self-appointed dupes and character actors, is just overwhelming.

The fundamental full-frontal reality that they seem hypnotically destined to participate in such an obviously manipulated environment truly boggles the mind.

The same can be said for the sleeping and compliant European population, but I don’t think it’s quite as vast as the American phenomenon we’re witnessing – but it’s getting closer. Either example, it’s clearly a pathetic display of uninformed ignorance and subservient compliance on a massive, disheartening scale.

When will people wake up to the obvious truth of what’s transpiring around them and realize their innate power of personal manifestation and all it would entail?

All 0f this is an ongoing and ever present challenge, but apparently part of the learning process we’re undergoing here.

It’s No Easy Transition

Granted, such a complex interactive world seems to have no simple solution, but I contend it essentially does. When individuals wake up to their true power everything takes on new dimensions of reality. Not only does our active role become manifest, but the futility of reacting to the paradigm that’s been laid out to be our assumed playing ground inherently reveals itself.

And begins to lose its power and thus crumbles.

Not an easy transition to make for the system-ingrained mindset. But it’s happening. Why? Because the system itself is breaking down and showing its illusory nature, day by day, staged event by falsely reported announcement and propaganda piece. The so-called news is nothing but one shallow, misleading and disempowering non sequitur news story at a time.

It’s not an easy process to go through, waking up to the fact that we’ve been literally bullshitted to death for so long. People understandably don’t react well most of the time to this news. Some take it on and see the deep significance and sit back and learn to digest it and draw conscious conclusions. However, most try to bury this reality, or just get mad and even psychotic to some degree which leads to the mass hysteria we’re witnessing today.

In a way I can’t blame them – yet I can. The voice of conscience is there for all. It appears continually. Whether we listen to and pursue its beckoning call is a choice, one heart signal at a time. It’s not once and forever gone – it continually appears, giving opportunities right, left and center despite the misinformation and the dystopic psycho-chemical-electromagnetic and even nuclear storm we live in.

The results are before our eyes of what people have currently chosen on the macro scale. Quite sad to behold in a mass spectrum knowing these are individuals making bad decisions, but then look at the shining examples of those who have taken up the torch for truth and consciousness!

Therein lies the difference.

Don’t Circle the Drain with the Rest of Them

It does no good, intrinsic or otherwise, to ride the mass wave of further willful ignorance and eventual destruction as if participating in some act of resonant compassion.

As real as that subconscious impulse is it’s crap, and full on programmed co-dependent fear-of-arising-as-an-authentic-self form of self disempowered thinking!

Snap out of it. We are each majestic manifestations of Universe in co-creative action. This subject is way deep with extremely empowering and revelatory notions but one thing is certain. We are not who they say we are. We are not destined to be tooled about by others and forced to petition these entities for changes they have no intention of implementing… while giving us the illusion we can make any kind of difference in their paradigm.

It’s time for truly revolutionary change based on radically transcendent thinking and resultant realizations.

And to have the guts to venture into the realms where we can manifest this true revolution for the sake of our planet and co-inhabitants.

Are you up to it? Get there and be there.

It’s sure time.

Take up the call.

Love, Zen


For more articles and interviews by Zen go to his Timeline.

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