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Global Cooling? NOAA Confirms ‘Full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum

The signs are clearer than ever. The Sun is heading into a new “solar minimum” cycle now.

Despite loud claims in recent decades that man-made CO2 is somehow driving the Earth’s climate, history and science demonstrate that the largest and most influential driver of planetary climate is actually the Sun.

NASA data shows clearly that sunspot counts and solar flares are dropping which is a clear indicator that solar activity is receding slightly, which means that the Earth’s climate will change, only it won’t be getting warmer.

One known indicator of solar activity is the presence of sunspots. When they are high in number, the solar activity is stronger. When sunspots are few, then we’re more likely to see slightly less solar intensity. The last peak in sunspot activity was in 2014, and now we’ve reached a new low point in 2020.

RELATED: Scientists tackle burning question: When will our quiet sun turn violent?

A solar minimum does not mean that we’ll no longer have regular heat waves and warm weather, it simply means that solar activity will change, and this could translate into lower overall temperatures on Earth for the duration of this solar cycle – which could last beyond 2030.

For those paying attention, this is not breaking news as NASA had announced this trend many times before, albeit quietly. But as one would expect in the current political epoch, any talk of ‘global cooling’ is not likely to generate headlines.

It’s a fact that 2020 saw Europe having one of its coldest summers on record. Indeed, winter is coming.

Electroverse reports…

Their press releases surely won’t admit it, but NOAA’s PREDICTED SUNSPOT NUMBER AND RADIO FLUX data appears to show a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum running from the late-2020s to at least the 2040s.

NOAA (who’s solar forecasts generally come out higher than NASA’s) say it won’t be until mid-2025 before we see the peak of the next Solar Cycle (25), with the maximum topping out at 114.6 sunspots:

NOAA predicts Solar Cycle 25 will max out at 114.6 sunspots in July, 2025 (note this is far higher than NASA’s official prediction of around 30 to 40 sunspots).

NOAA’s forecast then begins to plot the descent into the minimum of Cycle 25 from mid-2025 to 2031-or-thereabouts; and while all this paints Solar Cycle 25 as another historically weak cycle (one similar to 24 and which will continue the cooling trend), it isn’t the story here.

The story is that NOAA aren’t seeing the expected ramp-up into Cycle 26. When the sunspot number should be climbing back up, the agency’s data (linked here) reveals sunspots remain low, and actually continuing dropping.

NOAA is predicting all-but ZERO sunspots throughout the 2030s.

There is no ramp-up into Solar Cycle 26.

Nor are there any signs of the start of Solar Cycle 27: the data only runs through the year 2040, but within those final twelve months a SPOTLESS sun persists.

NOAA is predicting a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum (GSM)

GSM’s have the potential to hold sunspots at ZERO for multiple decades. The most famous example is the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715) which brought plummeting temperatures, crop loss, famine, and the deaths of hundreds of millions of people ACROSS the planet.

Unfortunately, history repeats — climate is cyclic, never linear. But unlike during the Maunder Minimum, there’s a twist this time around; we modern humans have another cosmological factor to contend with: Earth’s magnetosphere –a key line of defense against incoming Cosmic Rays– is waning at an increasing rate as north and south magnetic poles continue their wander.

The field is expected to be considerably weaker by 2040, and, as with previous magnetic excursions/reversals, these events can lead to an uptick in volcanic/seismic activity, solar outbursts, and even the onset of ice ages.

These two independent factors occurring simultaneously –-a Grand Solar Minimum AND a Pole Shift– are throwing us something of a curve-ball. Each factor alone results in a dramatic waning of earth’s magnetosphere, the upshot of which is more Cosmic Rays entering our atmosphere nucleating clouds, sending volcanoes a’poppin’, cooling the planet, and affecting biology.

Modern civilization is entering unprecedented times…

Continue this story at Electroverse

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