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It's one of the worst polluting energy extraction practices, which simultaneously uses and contaminates vast amounts of water. It's the highly dirty and loss-leading unconventional oil and gas drilling practice of hydraulic fracturing' commonly known as fracking. Learn more about why you should be concerned about it...

Ian Crane: Fracking ‘Could Be a Red Herring’ for Nuclear Waste Disposal Racket

Ian R. Crane | Important video reveals a dangerous ulterior agenda lurking behind the unconventional gas play.

UK COLUMN: Fracking Arrests, Kurdistan Blues, Yemen’s Puppet, More NATO Drills

UK Column | UKC’s Mike Robinson was joined by 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen to breakdown some of the biggest stories this week.

Gulf Crisis: On Fast Track to War

Marwa Osman | The confluence of recent events suggests that a US-Saudi-Tel Aviv effort is underway to isolate Iran, and that means the danger for a wider war in the region has never been more pronounced.

Trump Revives Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines

21WIRE + RT | Trump gets mixed reactions after he signed actions which will remove obstacles to two controversial pipeline projects, Keystone XL & Dakota Access.

STANDING ROCK: Profusion, Collusion and Giant Financial Incentives

Cory Morningstar & Forrest Palmer | Has Standing Rock been an exercise in oil and NPIC magnate control of minorities for their own aims?

Ian R. Crane: ‘People Are Turning Away from Mainstream Media in Droves’

Patrick Henningsen & Ian R. Crane | Fascinating conversation about the real challenges facing society in 2017.

‘FRACK ATTACK’: Environmental Advocate Ian Crane warns of brand new UK fracking threat

Ian R. Crane | North England is under siege again from Fracking firms.

Oil Price Drop: Who Will Feel the Pinch?

21WIRE | Time will tell who the winners and losers are, but one thing is certain in 2016 – someone is going to feel the pinch somewhere.

Endocrine Society: Diabetes, Obesity Linked to Chemical Exposure

RT.com | Endocrine-disrupting chemicals may be the chief cause of many major modern health epidemics.

Episode #102 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Requiem For A Pipeline’ with guests Ian R. Crane, F. William Engdahl and Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

UK Fascism: Cameron will ‘step in’ if councils DON’T fast-track Fracking applications

The Guardian | New “planning guidance” leaves local authorities only 16 weeks to approve or reject Fracking applications, before Westminster intervenes on behalf of Fracking Corps.

FRACKING NIGHTMARE: 40 Earthquakes in Oklahoma Last Week

21WIRE + RT | Fracking is a problem.

Power Beyond Scrutiny: Texas Governor Abbott To Make Local Bans on Fracking Illegal

21WIRE + RT | Fascism is where big corporate and big government interests meet. Welcome to Texas…

Official: US Government Confirms That Fracking Is Causing Earthquakes in Oklahoma

21WIRE | Fracking has now been proven to be a most dangerous failure.

REVEALED: Fracking’s Big Radioactive Secret

Truthstream Media | Here it is: the Fracking Industry’s big dirty nuclear secret.

Corporate State: Ohio Court Takes Away Local Power to Ban Fracking

Common Dreams | Another bought-and-paid-for corrupt Judge rules in favor of the corporate mafia.

ENERGY SHOCK: What Happened to Over-Priced Oil?

Andrew McKillop | The hard truth: there is no longer any rational energy-economic basis for triple-digit oil prices.

Colorado ‘Mudslide’ Looks Like Fracking Nightmare

21WIRE + Intellihub | Will this 4-mile long fracking eruption ever be admitted by mainstream media?

Episode #29 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘The Consequences of Freedom’ with guest Ian R. Crane, and coverage from Bundy Ranch

SUNDAY WIRE SPECIAL | Bundy Ranch wrap up and look ahead at federal retaliation.

Episode #24 – SUNDAY WIRE SHOW: ‘New Globalist Technocracy’ with guests Pippa King and Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Host Patrick Henningsen covers the Ukraine’s latest, and exposes the implementation of RFID and other tracking systems for children in the UK and US.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue