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Ian Crane: Fracking ‘Could Be a Red Herring’ for Nuclear Waste Disposal Racket

Earlier this week the UK Column News reported on the arrest of anti-fracking activist Ian R. Crane – arrested for filming a demonstration at drilling test site in Kirby Misperton, North Yorkshire.

This morning, Ian was back at the protest camp, and live streaming an important video which raises the very real specter of a dangerous ulterior agenda lurking behind the unconventional gas play. He had previously alluded to this possibility three years ago on an episode of FRACKING NIGHTMARE, where he asked whether or not the UK fracking agenda is really a red herring, whereby the real agenda here is to create a network of ‘Deep Borehole Repositories’ for the disposal of toxic nuclear waste?

Watch this stunning video presentation, and please share with your friends and colleagues:

READ MORE FRACKING NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Fracking Files




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