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REAL Coverage of Syrian Conflict

Since 2011, the Syrian War has become one of the most important battlefields in the world. Now in its 8th year, it remains one of the most misrepresented conflicts in history, as regime change-seeking Western and Gulf state powers seek to mislead the public by wrongly framing it as a 'civil war' when in fact it is any but that. With over 1,500 Syria-related articles and videos in our archive, 21WIRE is determined to set the record straight, providing readers with groundbreaking coverage from the Middle East...

Syria: US Smoke and Mirrors to Protect Terrorist Proxies in Aleppo

Yalla LaBarra | US State Department “intermingling” their proxy terror factions in order to protect them from Russian air-strikes.

The World is Not Enough: JaysAnalysis w/Patrick Henningsen

Jay Dyer | Patrick Henningsen joins Jay Dyer for another graduate level course in geopolitics.

U.S. struggles to convince Iraqis that Washington doesn’t support ISIS

21WIRE + AP/Military.com | One in three Iraqis still think the US is supporting ISIS.

Saudi Prince Lectures America On Democracy, Calling For ‘NEVER TRUMP’

21WIRE + Mail Online | Hereditary monarch from a theocratic dictatorship is lecturing Americans on who they should vote for.

ISIS Helmet Cam: Terrorist Records Own Death in Chaotic & Amateurish Battle

21WIRE | Are you afraid of ISIS? This will prove that you shouldn’t be.

Henningsen on Aleppo Ceasefire: ‘US Ploy to Buy Time for Terrorist Reinforcements’

Patrick Henningsen | US diplomats in Geneva are providing cover for CIA and Pentagon covert operations on the ground in Syria.

Syria: Challenging the MSF Narratives and Bias in Aleppo

Rick Sterling | Rick Sterling asking the questions that the media has failed to ask MSF regarding their Aleppo hospital narrative.

Syria: Is Aleppo the “Smoking Gun” that will Precipitate a US Proxy War against Russia and Iran?

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky | Aleppo: Escalation in terrorism and propaganda may herald a renewed US offensive against Russia and Iran.

Russia: US Tried to Include al-Qaeda Territory in Aleppo Ceasefire

21WIRE | What entity within the US government just tried to save terrorists from destruction?

Aleppo: US NATO False Flags, Lies and Propaganda

Vanessa Beeley | Aleppo callous media disregard for human life and possible US NATO false flag to shore up their terrorist war against Syria.

BREAKING: Huge Numbers of Dead and Wounded as Terrorists Rain Missiles down on Aleppo

Vanessa Beeley | Aleppo is hit by a deluge of missiles from the US NATO terrorist factions, huge numbers of dead and wounded.

SYRIA: #AleppoIsBurning Campaign Created by US and NATO to Facilitate a “No Bomb Zone”

Vanessa Beeley | #AleppoIsBurning campaign is a Soros concept created to facilitate a “No Bomb Zone” in Syria.

FINAL ASSAULT? Syrian Army & Russian Bombers Plan Attack on ISIS HQ Raqqa

21WIRE | Russia is helping to clean up the last of the terroristic mess in Syria.

Corbett Report: Patrick Henningsen on NGOs and Human Rights Industrial Complex

Corbett Report | Slick ‘regime change’ PR campaigns designed to nudge public perception and opinion for ‘humanitarian’ interventions and covert wars.

Syria: MSF Admits Withholding Syria Hospital Coordinates from Damascus and Moscow

RT | MSF again admit no co-ordination with Syrian Government or Russia and that their hospitals are ‘not legal’ inside Syria.

VIDEO: Syria ‘White Helmets’ Exposed and Petition to Prevent their Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize

Vanessa Beeley | The Syria White Helmets embedded with Al Qaeda are nominated for Nobel Peace Prize.

Syria: The Real US-NATO Creators of Hell in Aleppo

Vanessa Beeley | As the battle to liberate Aleppo from the US NATO proxy occupiers intensifies, the US NATO anti Syria propaganda amplifies.

Syria: Russia and Syrian Government Deny Bombing of “MSF Supported” Hospital in Aleppo

RT | Syrian Government and Russia deny responsibility for bombing of MSF “supported” hospital in Aleppo. Echoes of February 2016.

Syria: Political Reform Defies Critics and Progresses Despite US, NATO Hostility

Kristian Girling | Syrians defend their plurality and secularity with their lives against US and NATO neocolonialism.

Syria: Journalist Rosenthal Exposes Extensive Censorship by Western Media

John Rosenthal | Exposure of the western media censorship that has fanned the flames of war in Syria.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue