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Assange: ‘Crazed Clinton Campaign Tried to Hack WikiLeaks’

21WIRE + RT | “Everyday that you publish is a day that you have the initiative in the conflict.”

‘Intl Community Still Financing, Protecting Terrorists’ – Mother Agnes, Vanessa Beeley on Syria

Mother Agnes-Mariam + Vanessa Beeley | Setting straight the lies and deception of the US, UK and French funded media campaigns.

Paul Craig Roberts: ‘By Cooperating with Washington on Syria & Russia Walked Into a Trap’

Paul Craig Roberts | Washington’s provocation and demonization of Russia have brought trust between the nuclear powers close to zero.

Insider Firm ‘FlashPoint’ tied to Orlando Shooting, Now Investigating DDoS Hack on America

Shawn Helton | Flashpoint operates as an intelligence asset, in addition to playing a PR role for some recent large-scale incidents – but who are they really?

Jay Dyer – Tragedy & Hope 7: Cold War PsyOps & the Bomb Almighty

Jay Dyer | This is one of the most important sections of Tragedy and Hope – a must-listen!

US Twisting Reality: ‘Good Deaths in Mosul, Bad Deaths in Aleppo’

Robert Parry | The West have twisted reality with its ‘Aleppo’ narrative, while they try to sanitise their own Mosul narrative.

Russia-WikiLeaks Conspiracy Theory: “Clinton claim ridiculous, based on lazy US Twitter culture”

Patrick Henningsen | Now Hillary Clinton has gone all-in on the anti-Russian hysterical circus, as she prepares her own scapegoat.

INTERVIEW: Sheikh Imran Hosein on ISIS, Russia and the CIA Jihad in Syria

Sheikh Imran Hosein | All roads lead to Damascus, the Crimea, and Jerusalem.

SYRIA: ‘Rebels’ Fabricate Child Victims to Sell Western Intervention & Regime Change

21WIRE + IN THE NOW | “Why does the media want us to cry for some dead Syrian kids but not others?”

SOPA False Flag? Alleged ‘Hack’ on Netflix, Twitter, Amazon – US ready to blame Russia

Shawn Helton | Will Russia be the scapegoat for this latest massive DDoS attack in the US?

SYRIA: Russia Sets Up Outposts to Fight ISIS Terrorists Deploying from Iraq

21WIRE + South Front | Some reports indicate that US-led coalition’s warplanes may be avoiding to bomb ISIS terrorist convoys moving from Iraqi to Syria.

‘Anti-Russia’ Escalation? Plans for New US Marine Base in Norway

21WIRE + RT | The reason given: “To improve their ability respond rapidly to potential Russian aggression.”

Russia Reports Belgium Killing Civilians in Aleppo Airstrikes, Russian Ambassador Summoned

21WIRE | Unaccountability and irresponsibility has plagued the illegal US-led effort in Syria.

FALSE PROFITS: The U.S. Military’s War Over Russia

21WIRE + Politico | Pentagon contractors and other bottom feeders in Washington are searching for a ‘purpose’ – and a bigger chunk of the budget.

Could Russia’s S400 SAM Shoot Down the F-22 Stealth Fighter Over Syria?

21WIRE + Military Update | Analysts are already questioning whether the America’s new cumbersome F-35, or even the F-22 fighter can perform in an S400 controlled airspace.

1 Dead, 9 Injured as Russia Detains North Korean Boat Who Resisted Search

21WIRE + RT | North Korean crew tried to attack Russian officers while on board their vessel.

RECKLESS: Democratic Party Creating a ‘Russian Scarecrow’ in US Media & Politics

CrossTalk | One of America’s nastiest political campaigns enters the final stretch, but it will leave a toxic legacy in its wake.

Dr Papadopoulos Sets BBC Straight on Syria and Russiaphobia in Britain

21WIRE + BBC | A rare dissenting voice appears on the BBC airwaves – setting the Beeb and Boris straight on Syria and Russian.

US-Saudi Plan: Let 9,000 ISIS Fighters Walk Free from Mosul – to Fight in Syria

Patrick Henningsen | This latest leak fits perfectly into a US pattern of aiding and abetting ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

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