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2020 Election Edge - Donald Trump (R) vs. Joe Biden (D)
Donald Trump (R) vs Joe Biden(D): Without a doubt, this will go down in history as one of the most unconventional elections ever. Here are some reports which could move the dial in this close race. Buckle-up, this is going to be a turbulent one...


WATCH: Our exclusive Election Edge 6-Part Video Series

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Brace Yourself: Trump Prepares to Announce 2024 Campaign After Midterms

AP | America is quietly preparing itself for the biggest liberal-left TDS meltdown ever.

Big Brother’s Playbook: US Gov’t Clandestine Program to Curb ‘Dangerous Speech’

21WIRE + Techno Fog | It’s what many suspected was happening. We should all be shocked at how brazen it was.

Court Filing Shows FBI Knew ‘Russiagate’ Was a Fraud in Early 2017, But Continued With the Hoax

RT International | That the FBI was determined, irrespective of facts, to destroy Trump, first as a candidate, then as President.

Delaware Judge Rules Democrats’ Vote-by-Mail is Unconstitutional, Prohibited in November

21WIRE | state legislatures and courts are beginning to push back against this problematic election tactic.

Bongino: ‘The FBI is Out of Control’

Dan Bongino | Has the FBI become a political weapon for the Democratic Party establishment?

Democrats’ History of Election Meddling and ‘Denying’

21WIRE | Ironically, it’s the Democrats who have exhibited so-called ‘election-denying’ behavior over the decades.

Wisconsin Activist Arrested for Exposing Voter Fraud

21WIRE | ‘I will stand in front of 12 jurors and see if they agree with the DOJ.’

SUNDAY SCREENING: The Truth About January 6th (2022)

SUNDAY SCREENING | An incredible independent film about one of the most controversial topics in America today.

Zuckerberg Admits to Rogan That FBI Was Spreading Lie That Hunter Biden Laptop Story Was ‘Russian Propaganda’

21WIRE | Collusion between tUS government and Big Tech directly affected the outcome of the 2020 US Presidential Election.

Man Acquitted in FBI’s Faux Whitmer ‘Kidnapping’ Plot Speaks Out Against Government Narrative

21WIRE | Shocking as it may be, this latest revelation shouldn’t really surprise anyone.

Victor Davis Hanson: ‘FBI Should Be Broken Up’

21WIRE | One of America’s top historians warns of a federal agency gone rogue, now interfering in the country’s election outcomes.

FBI Agent Blows Lid Off the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Raid

Dan Bongino | Shocking interview with a former FBI agent exposing the agency’s rank corruption.

Many Americans Are Now Asking: ‘How Do We Get Rid of the FBI?’

21WIRE | Everyone can now see how the White House has weaponized the US Department of Justice.

Levin on FBI Raiding Trump Home: ‘The FBI is Corrupt’

21WIRE | ‘It’s an attack on anybody who dares to raise serious questions about Washington.’

Revolutions and The Curse of Democracy

Techno Fog | Voters just learned a devastating lesson: be careful what you wish for.

FBI Whistleblowers Allege FBI Scheme to Protect Hunter Biden and Joe Biden

Techno Fog | Evidence points to the FBI’s role in working to cover up the Hunter Biden scandal in order to protect Democratic Party nominee in 2020.

‘Joe Biden 100% Caught in a Lie’ – How Long Before Democrats Throw Him Under the Bus?

21WIRE | The President has been caught in an egregious lie, and the White House has no response.

Twitter Audit Finds Half of President Biden’s Followers are Fake Bots

21WIRE | Now the question remains: what else is fake about Biden’s rise to power?

The Truth About ‘Voting Rights’ and Filibuster Reform

Forbes | Explaining what this issue is really about, and why partisan brinksmanship could destroy separation of powers in the United States.

Senator to FBI Official: ‘Did DOJ or FBI Have Any Plainclothes Officers at Capitol on Jan 6th?’

21WIRE | DOJ panics when asked about the FBI’s mystery man who led the charge to enter the Capitol Building that day.

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