And… when voters get what they ask for.
By Techno Fog
If we measure the success of a government by how it reflects the will of the people, then our democracy is a failure. This has always been one of the long-discussed dangers of democracy: that it may cease to be a government “by the people.”¹ Let us admit that the danger of democracy has been realized.
The revolution you see today had to start at the top because the people – the voters – were unwilling to spark revolutionary change. Power then imposition, through the institutions and the bureaucracies onto the population. Enabled by the constraints on bureaucratic power being unenforced and the limitations on legislative authority being ignored. Elections thought to reflect the will of the people instead force on the people the will of the elected.
The people don’t want to be murdered in the streets, but the policies of criminal-friendly prosecutors – those who predicted their acts would result in innocent deaths – demand their blood.
The people prefer common-sense immigration policies, which include the deportation of criminal illegals. And yet federal and local officials refuse to act, leading to the rape of minors and last year’s decapitation of a Minnesota woman, her body dumped in broad daylight on a residential street. Both acts conducted by illegal immigrants with criminal records.
The people would like to see their children educated. A minority of those in power would pervert the wishes of parents, following the guidance of their predecessors who advocated for American schools to become committed to the proselytization of liberalism and dedicated to achieving a more radical and progressive social order. As a result, we see the state pushing radical gender theory on children, transgender indoctrination of grade schoolers and sex-ed starting in kindergarten. (Andrew Sullivan can object to the grooming all he wants, but he should know the broader revolution that he helped lead won’t stop when he asks nicely.)
The personal costs of the new order are dismissed. All revolutions require sacrifices. Lives are destroyed, children are scandalized, heads are severed, and bodies are buried as they remake the world…
SEE MORE BIDEN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Biden Files
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