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Hillary Clinton Concocting Tales of ‘New Soviet Union’ Whilst Ignoring Fascist Collectives in US

21st Century Wire says… Like most big politicos these days, Hillary Clinton’s political intellect is based on her ability to pump out sound bites which are fed to her in passing during the course of each day, causing them to become out of touch with what the people on the street are really feeling. Instead, […]

CRF Mafia’s IAEA Provide Latest WMD Talking Point for Washington and Tel Aviv Hawks

Joby Warrick | In the case of Iran, the IAEA is still recycling its WMD bulls**t.

‘Golden Spike’ Space Tourism Start-Up Company: ‘To the Moon!’

21WIRE | Golden Spike is targeting foreign countries that want attain the prestige of putting their own astronauts on the moon.

Cameron and Obama’s Hired Thugs Now Butchering Their Way Through Syria

21WIRE | Western-backed terrorists in Syria are becoming more violent and deranged, resembling a kind of death cult.

Video: David Icke On The Queen,The BBC, The Royal Child Catcher To The Establishment

21WIRE | Much worse than the knighted Jimmy Savile’s own sordid habits, is that penchant for young children was not an isolated phenomenon.

Top PR Max Clifford Website Down, Following Arrest By UK Police Pedophile Unit

Nicholas Myra | Clifford was called into question here one month ago – Now he’s been taken in for questioning.

Fear and Loathing in Belize: John McAfee Gets New Suit, Prepares Legal Defense

21st Century Wire LATEST FROM THE JUNGLE (and the dangers of early retirement files): Yesterday, December 4, VICE broke the news that anti-virus mogul and “person of interest” in a Belizean murder case John McAfee has retained the services of high-power attorney Telésforo Guerra after fleeing to Guatemala. Later that afternoon, John and his lawyer […]

Everyone In US Under Virtual Surveillance, All Info Stored, No Matter The Post

Whistleblower and former NSA crypto-mathematician who served in the agency for decades – virtual privacy in US, Petraeus affair and whistleblowers’ odds in fight against the authorities are among key topics of this exclusive interview… ….

Amsterdam Plans To Relocate Troublemakers To ‘scum villages’

The Washington Post  Caitlin Dewey In a move that sounds straight out of Orwell, Amsterdam allocated 1 million euros last week to a plan that would relocate trouble-making neighbors to camps on the outskirts of the city, the BBC reports. The “scum villages,” as critics have called them, would lie in isolated areas and provide only […]

NATO Says Anti-Missile Defense For Turkey Does Not Open Door To Syria Intervention

The Washington Post Anne Gearan BRUSSELS — NATO agreed Tuesday to send new American-made air defenses to Turkey’s volatile southern border with Syria, a boost to an alliance member on the front lines of Syria’s civil war and a potential backstop for wider U.S. or NATO air operations if the situation deteriorates further. The alliance’s […]

Nuclear Israel: The secret that is not

The United Nations General Assembly is pressing Israel to reveal its nuclear arsenal. Israel has lashed out against the overwhelming approval of the resolution, which calls for international inspectors to be allowed to examine its atomic programme. Its foreign minister said the vote was meaningless. The country also rejected a UN-backed conference on a nuke-free […]

‘Criminals, Terrorists And Pedophiles’: Spy Bill Author Slams Big Bro Critics

Britain’s so-called “snooper’s charter” bill is heating up debates among MPs as parliamentary reports on it are being prepared. The bill’s initiator has just released an emotional verbal offensive against the opponents, equaling them to criminals.


Remember the 20th century? Well, it looks like someone is threatening to do some real journalism, and a lot of folks will want to tune in… This image is a sneak preview as to what is coming soon via The Ben Fellows Radio Show…


21WIRE | Microwave radiation does affect the health and well-being of humans AND bees.

The Problem With Hillary’s ‘New Propaganda’ Program

21WIRE | She could be one of the most dangerous politicians ever to court the Presidency.


Deccan Herald | Elite nut-job, Lord John Gilbert wants to use nukes to quarden off areas for Asian plebs.

Laptop ‘destroyed to hide story’ about illegally obtained Saddam Hussein underpants image

More Leveson positioning… questions now raised over picture of former dictator published by Murdoch’s Sun and New York Post By Dan Sabbagh and Lisa O’Carroll A Labour MP has told parliament he believes that a laptop was destroyed to eliminate evidence that a photograph of Saddam Hussein pictured in his underpants was obtained illegally – a picture of the former […]

This is What Collectivism Looks Like: UK Tax Is Eating 70% of UK Families Incomes

21st Century Wire says… This is what many in OCCUPY are advocating, ‘More tax!’. So we are at 70% Tax now, is it working well for the people, or should we raise it to 90% and see how that goes!!?? . A new study has found that families in Britain pay some of the highest […]

INTERVIEWS: The Lou Collins Radio Show 3/12/12 Ben Fellows and Patrick Henningsen

Listen to today’s broadcast of The Lou Collins Show, featuring Ben Fellows and Patrick Henningsen, as Fellows discusses his experiences with child abuse and sexual harassment in show business, as well as freedom of the press in Britain in the wake of Leveson. 21st Century Wire’s Henningsen runs through this week’s news and current events […]

THE LASTEST SCAM: U.S. ‘Climate Aid’ Targets Poorest Nations with Free Cash

21st Century Wire says… This website had successfully debunked the mythology of climate change and global warming as far back as 2009, when we ravaged Al Gore & Co.’s get-rich by charging for air theft model in Copenhagen, leading to the collapse of his Chicago Climate Exchange carbon stock market – a total failure because […]

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