Sometimes, we’re winning.
It’s not often that the establishment mainstream press runs with a story which was broken exclusively on this website, let alone any other grass roots alternative news portal online.
One such crack in the MSM information firewall appeared today, as London’s Daily Express ran this story today: ‘SEX ABUSE RIFE AT BBC SAYS BEN FELLOWS’. In this instance, we will tip our hats to the Express for choosing to run an authentic story from the alternative press.
In fact, this is a story which we published here exclusively last Friday, entitled ‘‘I RAN THE GAUNTLET OF PEDOPHILES IN THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY’, SAYS FORMER CHILD ACTOR’ . It was an immediate internet hit, and went viral virtually overnight.
We had originally emailed our article to The Guardian, The Daily Mail and others and received no response, other than an acknowledgement of interest by the Daily Mail. In the meantime, the story went viral, and has since been mirrored on a number of top websites and blogs, including popular Fleet Street and Canary Wharf gossip hangout for hacks, Guido Fawkes, and with the help of other high-traffic UK news portals like, and being the most read story on other sites including Before It’s News – all in all, making this story impossible for even mainstream hacks to ignore.
Because of the Express article, the story is now out there for millions more to see (especially readers who don’t go online), thanks to the bravery of former child actor, Ben Fellows, who chose to step forward as yet another voice exposing some of the systematic and institutional rot, and pedophilia which has plagued the BBC, the entertainment industry as a whole and various corridors of power in Westminster and Britain, as well as in America – for far too long. But Fellows made the key point in all of this – that the Jimmy Savile Affair is only the tip of the iceberg. It’s prompted many others to tell all, and thanks to the tireless work of people in this country like Brian Gerrish, Bill Maloney, and David Icke, along many others, child abuse in secret by those who occupy high seats of power will continue to be exposed to the public, again and again. Now this is out today…
We hope that by one person stepping up and telling their own story, that others might feel empowered and not afraid to follow suit. At the very least, it should serve as a stark warning to any parents who are rushing to pass their own children through the seedy world of entertainment and fame.
This recent story in the Express is also proof that a small operation in the alternative media can influence and feed the mainstream media on timely and important themes. This shows that the alternative media is making a difference – and we are winning the battle for the waking generation. One could say that the paradigm is gradually shifting. We saw it happen this week.