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Henningsen: ‘Did the U.S. Just Downgrade Zelensky?’

TNT Radio | Washington now wants some accountability on the hundreds of billions sent into Kiev.

Henningsen: ‘NATO Fraying at the Seams’

TNT Radio | It’s now obvious that NATO’s proxy war has descended into disarray.

Henningsen: ‘Defunding Ukraine’

TNT Radio | The DC Swamp rebels seize the moment, as the prospect of defunding Ukraine becomes an official wedge issue.

INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell – ‘Global Economy May Crack This Winter’

TNT Radio | Washington fights to shore-up the US dollar abroad, while inflation at home continues to spiral out of control. 

Henningsen: ‘Poland Rethinks ‘Slava Ukraina’

TNT Radio | The US and UK have tried very hard to set Poland against Russia, but is reality finally trumping NATO’s protection racket?

INTERVIEW: Igor Lopatonok – ‘Ukraine & US: Is the Honeymoon Over?’

TNT Radio | Are the West looking for a convenient exit to the failed proxy war against Russia in Ukraine?

Henningsen: ‘Climate Warrior Zelensky’

TNT Radio | Nobel laureate from Kiev claims that countries are disappearing underwater.

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine – ‘Trudeau Goose Step, Bidenomics & Election Fraud’

TNT Radio | A rundown of North America’s key political news.

Henningsen: ‘NYT Throws Ukraine Under the Bus’

TNT Radio | Mainstream media finally admits that the proxy war is a disaster for Ukraine.

INTERVIEW: Arnaud Develay – ‘Canada Has a Nazi Problem’

TNT Radio | When it comes to harbouring Nazis, Canada has a deep pedigree.

Tucker: ‘US Government Stopped Me From Interviewing Putin’

21WIRE | Uncle Sam drops the hammer on the former Fox News host.

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘EU Fascism + Ukraine’s Desperation in Black Sea’

TNT Radio | Acts of desperation: the EU’s supernational regime makes its move, while NATO’s proxy war falters in Ukraine.  

Henningsen: ‘Is Britain Driving Escalation With Russia?’

TNT Radio | Why is the UK driving hostilities in Ukraine by provoking Russia?

INTERVIEW: Arnaud Develay – ‘Why is Ukraine’s American Trans Spokesperson Threatening Journalists?’

TNT Radio | An unhinged Ukrainian military spokesperson issues a blanket threat to all journalists who don’t tow the Kiev-NATO narrative of events.

INTERVIEW: Alexey Malinin – ‘Why New Russian Regional Elections Are Key’

TNT Radio | Evaluating the results and international reaction to regional elections in the newest additions to the Russian Federation.

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Patrick Henningsen – ‘US Political Economy is Highly Unstable’

TNT Radio | The truly shocking state of economic and political affairs in America laid bare.

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine – ‘2024 Election Could Destablize US’

TNT Radio | A review of the Republican and Democrat fields in the upcoming US 2024 Election.

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘Why NATO Will Fail in Ukraine’

TNT Radio | The West’s proxy war against Russia continues to deteriorate.

Putin: ‘Trump Charges are Political Persecution’

21WIRE | The US in its current state ‘cannot claim the right to teach others democracy.’

INTERVIEW: Tony Gosling – ‘State False Flag Terror is Real’

TNT Radio | Why ‘state false flag terror’ is designed to achieve a political outcome to keep elites in power past their sell-by date.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue