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Does Iran Really Have Technology to Render Military Industrial Complex Obsolete?

21st Century Wire | According to M.T. Keshe, groundbreaking free energy science and advanced space ship technology has been hidden away from the world… until now.

PLAYING WITH FIRE: Israel’s Bombing of Syria Escalates Threat of Wider War

Wednesday’s bombing of a Syrian military site by Israeli warplanes has ratcheted up the danger that the Western-backed civil war in Syria will spill over into a broader regional conflagration. Bill Van AukenGlobal Research Unnamed US officials cited by the New York Times claimed that the target of Wednesday’s dawn air strike was a military convoy carrying […]

The ‘Keshe Factor’ – A Weirder Twist On A War With Iran..?

21WIRE | Keshe, the ‘Tesla of Physics’, has been offering his technology free to any Government or scientist willing to listen.

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