Andrew McKillop | Israel itself seems to wax lyrical endlessly about its exposure to the terrorist threat – when it is, itself, the biggest threat.
INTERVIEW: Lyndon LaRouche exposes the current ruling system
Infowars April 8, 2011 Listen to this powerful interview with Lyndon LaRouche, an American political activist and founder of a network of political committees, parties, and publications known collectively as the LaRouche movement. Often described as a political extremist, he has written prolifically in these publications on economic, scientific, and political topics, as well as on […]
In Your Face: CNN Segment on Libya Entitled “New World Order”
Kurt Nimmo | Usual NWO suspects argue about six and one half dozen of the other, aka “regime change”.
Patrick Henningsen on Coast to Coast AM Radio with George Noory
Coast2Coast AM | Patrick’s first appearance on Coast to Coast AM radio show with host George Noory.
Arnold Arrives in Copenhagen for Final Push Towards Global Government
Patrick Henningsen | Clearly, a recipe for fraud and fiat money laundering on a scale which mankind has never witnessed before.