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Illusion of ‘The Outsider’: Why Ocasio-Cortez Won’t Fix Our Broken Two Party Duopoly

Teodrose Fikre | Don’t fall for the merry-go-round of personalities who keep being unleashed to sheepdog voters back to this two-party racket.

The Insanity of the American Anti-Trump, Pro-War Left

21WIRE + Jimmy Dore | Another case of someone purporting to be on “the Left” but in actuality attacking Trump from the right.

Spooks Spooking Themselves: Did US Elites Outsource Election ‘Meddling’ to Britain?

Daniel Lazare | It should be clear by now: US and British intelligence agencies intended to spread fear and propaganda in order to stampede the public into supporting their imperial agenda.

The Rape of Haiti: How NGOs, Clinton Foundation, the US and France Destroyed a Nation

Sophie Co | Are the West’s seemingly vast humanitarian efforts helping or hindering this poverty-stricken country?

William Blum: “Fake News” Is Fake News

William Blum | The main problem with the mainstream media today is not what is printed, but what is left out.

#ReleaseTheMemo UPDATE: Now Declassified, Expect a Public Reading Next Week

21WIRE | This memo may have Watergate-level implications for both the Democratic Party and the Obama legacy.

‘Classified’ Emails from Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin found on Anthony Weiner’s Laptop

21WIRE | Looks like more more bad news for the ‘resistance.’

Media, Politicians Desperate to Protect the Shaky Russia-gate Narrative

Robert Parry | Now mainstream media continue to discredit themselves with endless ‘election meddling’ narrative.

Exposing the Shakespearean tragedy of the “Russia Hacking” hoax

21WIRE | We’re starting to think the $10 BILLION plus was for the “Russia Hacking” hoax campaign, because surely it didn’t help the HRC campaign.

Hillary Clinton Ponders Halloween Costume

21WIRE | Hillary Clinton ponders what she will wear for a Halloween costume. Surprised?

Robert Parry: Sorting Out the Russia Mess

Robert Parry | The U.S. mainstream media finally has its “smoking gun” on Russia-gate — a closer look reveals serious problems with the “evidence.”

Henningsen: Obama White House Colluded with Facebook to Fabricate ‘Russian Bot’ Conspiracy

Patrick Henningsen | As it turns out, this was fake news fabricated by Washington and its mainstream media partners.

Fake News: The Collapse of the MSM’s ‘Facebook Russian Bot’ Story

Robert Parry | Now ask yourself the question: If they are prepared to lie about this, what else are they prepared to lie about?

The ‘New Cold War’ – A Rehash of Old Rivalries

William Blum | The anti-Russian/anti-Soviet bias in the American media appears to have no limit.

The Killing of History ~John Pilger

John Pilger | Vietnam, “The ladders of bombs that left trees petrified and festooned with human flesh”.

‘Driving Ms. Deep State’: Morgan Freeman Psy-Op Shows Desperation of US Establishment

Andrew Korybko | Very sad to see Morgan Freeman sink into the gutter of American culture and politics.

Message for Progressive Left: ‘If You Want to See Real Nazis, Come to Ukraine’

21WIRE + Stalker Zone | “Kids, come into The Ukraine, we will show you Nazis.”

Revealed: Loretta Lynch Given Talking Points for Secret Clinton ‘Tarmac Meeting’

21WIRE + ABC15 | This could very well be used as a bargaining chip behind the scenes.

Buchanan on Trump: After the Coup, What Then?

Pat Buchanan | So, it is time to ask: If this city brings Trump down, will the rest of America rejoice?

Boiler Room EP #120 – Scorched Earth Media: From RussiaGate to HillaryGate

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Randy J & Andy Nowicki discussing the Seymour Hersh recording outing Seth Rich as the DNC leak, the “isolation” of independent media by algorithm and more.

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